Example sentences of "her [noun] on [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Robyn held it out at arm 's length , glanced at it and then cursed as she saw the blood that dripped from her fingers on to the black plastic .
2 He rose and helped her to her feet , steadying her as she eased her weight on to the injured ankle .
3 Shelley sipped her coffee , then put the mug down and swung her legs on to the cool tiled floor .
4 Caroline hitched her bottom on to the wide windowsill , put up one leg , and leaned back against the frame .
5 Defries continued to shoot , locking her beam on to the diminishing targets and sending light-fast bursts of energy into the shadowy interstices of metalwork high above .
6 As he brushed past her , she dropped her head on to the cold stone of the tomb .
7 Laura fell from her chair on to the dead boy on the floor .
8 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , ‘ how — how jolly , ’ and then she put her spoon suddenly into her ice cream and the whole glistening thing slid smoothly off her plate on to the shining red table .
9 Even when she was too tired to read she sought escape in romance-cubes she spent all her wages on at the Madreidetic shop .
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