Example sentences of "her [noun] [verb] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 The six-day separation from William and Harry over the traditional family holiday was the first time Diana had not seen her sons wake up to the excitement of Christmas Day .
2 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
3 The passion of his kisses on her throat were leaving her weak and she had to will her fingers to hold on to the bodice .
4 Sister Rosario looked at the pinched face of Maura Ryan and her heart went out to the child .
5 Louisa received it so , and her heart went out to the suffering woman .
6 Charity felt her heart go out to the other woman .
7 Frowning , she let her mind drift back to the events of two years ago .
8 ‘ My father called me Breeze , ’ she added , as he seemed interested ; and as she said that her mind went back to the hot summer 's day when her father had given her the nickname which had been adopted by everyone .
9 Well it was n't er the wife it was a bit of a setback , we had a bungalow you see , a small bungalow which was in a very , very nice part of Plymouth , well on the outskirts of Plymouth actually , almost in the country and er , to come and find this , well to her it 'd be like a , a terraced house , her mind went back to the old days in Manchester where she came from with the old terraced houses and I think she visualized that then to go in a house that had a , a square room , do you follow ?
10 Her mind drifted back to the first day they 'd seen Crystal Springs .
11 Her mind skimmed back to the dinner on Friday night .
12 With automatic professionalism Folly had carried them into the bathroom and begun to hunt around for a suitable container before her mind turned back to the question of who could have sent them .
13 As she sucked thoughtfully on the cigarette her mind wandered back to the contents of the dossier they had prepared on Benin .
14 Her mind flew back to the moment last evening when Benedict had come at her out of the shadows of the hall as she had come downstairs with Lady Merchiston 's empty supper tray .
15 ‘ To my grief and surprise I found her mind bowed down to the very depths of painful disquietude , unable to realise the presence of her Saviour , and harassed with the fiery darts of the great Enemy …
16 This mother has forced her tot to face up to the ordeal of withdrawal symptoms because she could n't control her own habit .
17 Her glance moved over to the phone — should she ring Ven about her car ?
18 At other times he would come running in answer to her call to find her seated before the stove with her legs stretched out to the fire and her face softened by smiles .
19 I was excitedly interested in her attempt to get back to the original Gautama , instead of the stereotyped figure of the Scriptures and Buddhist tradition , and still more thrilled by her insistence that the Buddha had a gospel , good news to the people of his contemporary India and to later generations .
20 Her regents stride back to the foothills ;
21 Now she found there was a window-catch ; she slid it aside and her feet whispered out to the balustrade , scarcely touching the ground .
22 In Mary Barton the working-class heroine and her husband go off to the colonies to start a new life .
23 They strolled through Paris together , after her husband went back to the front .
24 On the evening of a masked ball in the palace she came visiting with Bothwell and other lords , and while she chatted to her husband they — with or without her knowledge went down to the cellar to prepare the gunpowder stored there .
25 But characteristically she got her way about going to art school , Beaton persuading her to get her father to come up to the academy and talk about the future of his precocious daughter .
26 It came clear from the bag , her finger slipping on to the trigger , thumb freeing the safety catch .
27 It has been known for a woman going into labour to suddenly perceive the connection between herself , her mother , mother 's mother , all the mothers of her line stretching back to the beginnings of time , and all the daughters that will follow after .
28 Her hand went out to the telephone , then drew back .
29 But he could make out her form stretching up to the light .
30 Or was it ? she wondered , her memory reaching out to the feel of Silas 's arms holding her against him , and to his lips resting upon her own .
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