Example sentences of "make [pron] [noun sg] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ignoring them , I made my way to the Norman castle .
2 Having passed the green flashing light at the end of the main breakwater and also that of the inner Leon y Castillo mole , both of which are left to starboard , arriving yachts should make their way to the small boat harbour .
3 It is hoped that a detailed study of this sort of one country will make its contribution to the general understanding of economic growth , now a topic of growing interest .
4 First thing in the morning , she would make her way to the big house where she intended to relay everything she had learned .
5 Then she made her way to the Federal Medical Centre in the prison complex at Lexington , Kentucky , in defiant style , cheating the merciless media of a final picture by arriving at 4am .
6 She went into the house and made her way to the small suite of rooms that Bonard and his staff of two used as offices .
7 She made her way to the small side gate that opened on to the alley and which in the daytime was kept permanently open so that tradesmen could make their way to the kitchens through the vegetable garden .
8 As she made her way to the blue and white tiled bathroom which was at the other end of the house , there was another clap of thunder and the lightning flashed again .
9 Then , feeling a strong urge to look at his portrait again , she showered quickly , put on clean undies and an oatmeal skirt and blouse , and made her way to the long gallery .
10 Miss Fogerty made her way to the only other classroom , and stopped short on the threshold with surprise .
11 Then she made her way to the little corner grocery shop , five minutes ' walk from Jubilee Street .
12 She made her way to the old city , the Vieille Ville , with a certain amount of relief .
13 As she made her way to the modest Grenfell town house , Emily felt the beginning of a headache coming on .
14 The dining-room was crowded as she made her way to the open buffet table .
15 ‘ Come on , ’ he said and they both left Steed parked there and made their way to the twisted and bent railing that was his door to the family .
16 Corbett urged him to keep quiet and was more than relieved when they entered the narrow , winding , rutted streets of Leith and made their way to the small market square .
17 Not two hours after digesting this news over their breakfasts , the same industry officials made their way to the Federal Court of Australia to receive the decision on their appeal over the February 1991 judgment by Justice Morling on a Tobacco Institute of Australia advertisement concerning passive smoking that was run throughout the Australian press in 1986 .
18 Others made their way to the coca-growing Chapare region , only to return plagued by the heat and tropical illness .
19 They walked along the platform and made their way to the Metropolitan Line , thus entering , though they did not know it , the oldest part of the system .
20 They made their way to the sloping bank of allotments , where Pat Weaver had been tenant of lot 18 .
21 Constance Richards was her passenger in the jeep on Saturday , as they made their way to the little church of Santa Barbara .
22 The small convoy made its way to the fortified barracks , where the Range Rover went through the gates on its own , the armoured escort returning to duty in the scarred city .
23 The centre was brought to a halt as the procession made its way to the National Parliament .
24 All make their contribution to the British Army , which is organised so that they can remain intensely proud of their Englishness , Irishness , Scottishness and Welshness , while fighting for Britain .
25 With just the aid of a walking stick he had made his way to the Blue Boar followed by most of the kids in the village , who must have thought he was some sort of God .
26 He made his way to the Soviet Union .
27 He made his way to the upper floor .
28 Just after 2pm he made his way to the back door .
29 But in the evening he came out and made his way to the royal store-rooms , where the food was being got ready for the King and his chief followers and wives .
30 The commander , although partially blinded by blood from cuts on his head , made his way to the main cabin door , which he opened , and all occupants were evacuated .
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