Example sentences of "make [pron] [noun] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
2 As I clambered out of the trench and made my way across to Brigade H.Q I could see the jeep with the stretchers on top waiting at the entrance to the orchard .
3 Taking the plate gently from him she placed it in the sink , then checked the turkey one last time , turned the gas down as low as it would go and made her way up to bed .
4 Kissing all the boys , she made her way up to bed , taking her tea with her .
5 Collecting up her leaflets , she made her way up to bed , and gave in to the little grin that had been trying to break out a few minutes before .
6 How ? she pondered as she made her way down to breakfast .
7 How any attempt was going to be made when she was in Mariánské Láznë and Ven in Prague , she had n't fathomed as she made her way down to breakfast .
8 After debriefing the other agencies and packing their equipment , the EOD team leave and make their way back to base .
9 Indeed , a number of men had already made their way back to camp , ostensibly to re-kindle their torches , but in reality to resume drinking .
10 After a final desultory wander round Charterhouse Square , he made his way home to bed .
11 I was one of the first to leave , making my way back to Number 11 unobserved .
12 Philip had forgotten temporarily about them moving from Little Knoll , what with getting Caspar out of the tractor-shed and thinking of Lee making his way up to Jubilee Wood .
13 er those of you in the maths exam could start making your way over to room fifty six
14 But it had not , and he managed to make his way home to safety .
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