Example sentences of "make [pron] [noun] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Had Andrewes remained in Cambridge , his reputation would probably have been unblemished but he would have lacked the stimulus to write the magnificent sermons which he preached at Court ; and he would not willingly have engaged in the controversial writing in which for the first time he set out the Anglican Church 's position in terms which European scholars could respect ; above all his Preces , even had they been written , would not have contained the breadth of experience , and the depth of feeling , based on that experience , which made them treasures of the Church .
2 Frankie 's very success made them part of the pop family .
3 For Clarke , football hooliganism developed at the intersection of these trends : the fans have now taken the traditional values of toughness , masculinity , local identity , collective action and partisanship and made them part of the game 's new , more spectacularised style .
4 The fact that the local authority had the legal right to control the premises made them occupiers to the exclusion of the previous owners of the house .
5 Miners may strike in support of nurses , but that does n't make them fighters for the equality of women or for women as women .
6 Travelling by bus at night in winter could be a chilling experience , so my mother made me anklets from the fur cuffs of an old coat ; these stayed on by means of snap fasteners , and I must have looked like a poodle , but they provided considerable comfort .
7 I have given up all idea now of going to Kings and shall make my way across the Island as quickly as I can making a call or two on the way .
8 As the last of the boys arrived I thought that maybe I could just make my way to the back of the queue , or sprint back to the changing room on one pretext or another and conveniently lose my place in the line .
9 Quietly , choosing my time , I shall make my way to the Garden Tower and try to gain access to the upper chamber . ’
10 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
11 The Corporal stood and glared at me as I very swiftly made my exit through the door , pausing briefly to pick up my rucksack and bagpipe box .
12 When it became clear that he had nothing to tell me , I made my exit in the face of dismissive politeness .
13 The fire beside the storage tent and cook-house was still burning and trays were being carried to tents and houses when I made my way across the sand wrapped in shawls against the cold .
14 As I wheeled my tenth-hand push-bike through the gates of the Parsons ' large detached house and made my way across the gravel forecourt past the guests ' Volvos and Audis , I began to feel uncomfortably out of my depth .
15 I pulled myself up the safety line and made my way past the tangle of tethers up to the surface , where the boat tender was frantically pulling in all the lines .
16 Later , I made my way into the farmyard and joined a group having something to eat .
17 I left my cases parked on the quay , and made my way into the post office .
18 As Taff reported to Brigade H.Q I made my way into the orchard , made a mug of tea , had something to eat , got into my trench and immediately fell asleep .
19 I ran through the fields , laid low for about two hours , then I made my way to the motorway and hitched it to Birmingham .
20 It was suppertime , so I made my way to the Roscommon chip shop .
21 Anyway , at shortly before five I made my way to the forecourt of the RA .
22 The barn shook again as I got to my feet and made my way to the door with the feeling that the barn had been very lucky so far in not receiving a direct hit from one of the frequent mortar bombs that were exploding in and around the farm .
23 searched the bathroom and then made my way to the door , the exit door .
24 I felt a migraine coming on and made my way to the villa for some peace and quiet .
25 In the lunch interval of the Test I made my way to the bar , where I saw the editor of the Herald , Mac Pollock , father of Springboks Peter and Graeme , and decided to discuss Vorster 's threat with him .
26 I felt I was climbing a mountain of my own as I made my way to the interview battling on my bike against the fierce London traffic to meet Sir Edmund at a plush hotel next to Harrods in Knightsbridge .
27 The others had potential , but I bathed and groomed her as if for Crufts and made my way to the hospital .
28 Come Saturday morning I made my way to the ground .
29 I made my way towards the east coast .
30 I slowly made my way down the road .
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