Example sentences of "make [noun] for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On Viola 's approach down the hall , Hilda turned up the gas and made preparation for a hasty departure , but this , it seemed , was not the idea .
2 The County Council also accepted as part of this oral approach that there was a need for an alteration to the structure plan , because the approved structure plan did not make provision for a new settlement as an element of approved North Yorkshire strategic policy , and we 've progressed that erm alteration through to the examination er in public er today .
3 In its original form the Bill made provision for a single ballot , the decision resting on a simple majority of those voting .
4 We made demands for a cheap canteen on the site , for nurseries and better maternity provisions .
5 Have YOU made arrangements for a new class yet ? ? ?
6 When she occasionally visited him in London or Stuttgart , she always found him busy , although he would certainly have made time for a new lover , and he did put himself out to entertain his cousin Petrie who , with his wife , turned up unexpectedly in Stuttgart during a travelling holiday .
7 ‘ Horology is the study or measuring of time or making of clocks ’ — that 's what our dictionary says and the latter is what we do ; we make clocks for a large company called the London Clock Company , but we had very humble beginnings … .
8 With talk of the Iranians having mobilized half a million combat troops , Iraq made arrangements for a formidable assembly of Soviet helicopter gunships and other matériel to be waiting for them .
9 5.3 Electricity gas and other services consumed To pay to the suppliers and to indemnify the Landlord against all charges for electricity gas and other services consumed or used at or in relation to the Premises ( including meter rents ) In a footnote to the precedent it is stated that this clause is possibly superfluous in the case of a separate building as the tenant would make arrangements for a separate supply to be provided to the premises , but there is no objection to its inclusion .
10 Moscow , USSR : At the same time , 12,000 miles away , a delegation from Amnesty 's International Secretariat is making plans for a fledgling Moscow Group to participate in the Women in the Front Line campaign .
11 It 's pretty obvious that American producers , catering to a market which buys 950 million tickets a year , are going to find it a lot easier to raise money than British producers , who are , by comparison , making films for a tiny coterie .
12 The difficulties in making forecasts for a fast-growing technology can be seen here .
13 Will he now do something about it by calling a general election and making way for a Labour Government committed to ridding this country of the Tory scourge of homelessness ?
14 They made allowance for a stale price effect in the index ( by including a first order moving average process ) , and used a GARCH ( 1,1 ) model to control for autocorrelation in the variance of the disturbances .
15 We may now hope that , with the rebirth of our own mythology from music , the abstractions and the shallow optimism that have degraded the German genius for so long will make way for a new strength and joyful seriousness .
16 So Oxford 's Lord Mayor was the first to wield the demolition hammer to help make way for a new business park .
17 Sections on Calligraphy , Illustration , Typography and Book Design make way for a commercial break which introduces us to 28 first editions of Penguin paperbacks .
18 ‘ Sometimes one of the oldies will shout , ‘ Make way for a blind pensioner ’ , and we 'll let them take a wave , ’ the younger surfers laugh .
19 While both approaches were being pursued with little success , the government made preparations for a new offensive against Germany and Austria-Hungary .
20 The ILP leadership , feeling it had a mandate from the Easter Conference , made preparations for a Special Conference at which it would make : a recommendation for disaffiliation , and for the re-organisation of the ILP as an independent Socialist Party with a programme aiming at a decisive change from Capitalism to Socialism .
21 The level of contributions had been increased sharply in recent years in order to make provision for a demographic trend whereby in the early part of the 21st century an increased proportion of the total population would be in receipt of retirement benefits at a time when the proportion in work ( and therefore contributing to the funds ) would be reduced .
22 On this he was adamant and unswerving , however much his father might extol the supreme chance at Oxford to make contacts for a future career , as yet undefined .
23 In February 1961 a summit meeting of the six Common Market governments agreed to create a commission to make proposals for a political union .
24 Further support for the legitimacy of Rule 14e-3 may be derived from the introduction of new section ( ns ) 20A of the SEA 1934 which makes provision for a private right of action for contemporaneous traders against insiders in breach of Rule 14e-3 .
25 Policy H two is a new policy which makes provision for a new settlement to help meet the development needs of the Greater York area .
26 Oliver Sweeney , who makes shoes for a select range of stores worldwide , believes there 's no excuse for having to break in new shoes : ‘ You are simply reshaping them to suit the shape of your feet , and weakening the construction .
27 The younger boy had offered to make toast for a social worker , Elizabeth Weepers , who had just returned from sick leave .
28 They replaced the roses in the paved garden with low carpeting plants , and the bowling green was swept away to make room for a peaceful enclosure with a pool , a statue , stone benches and a weeping pear .
29 On the whole , people are divided into those who want to make room for a serious collection and those who want to use wall space to its most decorative advantage .
30 It soon became apparent that men were being discharged too soon , to make room for a growing number of casualties .
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