Example sentences of "make at a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
2 It has been in the initial stage in which wishing prevails over thinking , generalisation over observation , and in which little attempt is made at a critical analysis of existing facts or available means .
3 Peru , Bolivia and Colombia opposed US proposals , made at a preparatory meeting in Quito , Ecuador , in early February , to allow aircraft or warships of member countries of a " regional conference and action group " to enter each other 's territory , sea or airspace in pursuit of drug traffickers .
4 The presentation would be made at a Divisional Meeting in due course .
5 The suggestion was made at a joint meeting of all sides organised by North Yorkshire county council .
6 The result of our cursory glance at the attempts that have been made at a new perspective on law and the legal system is thus both clear and complicated : the legal system can no longer be understood to be monolithic , but is differentiated , and this differentiation is structured by its relationship to other social sub-systems ; law , moreover , has a different ideological role in different national legal cultures .
7 Finally , a good deal of inquiry is made at a local level by local authorities or local voluntary bodies attempting to assess a particular problem in the immediate area .
8 The last ditch attempt to fend off polltax capping was made at a special meeting of the council in the Shire Hall .
9 The award was made at a special ceremony at Admiralty House in London .
10 Additional awards were made at a later stage to three individuals who were unable to attend .
11 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
12 Coins , especially those of precious metal , were made at a particular standard of so many coins to a unit of weight ( be this a Roman scripulum or an English grain ) .
13 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
14 The case for re-thinking what we mean by practice and its relation with theory has been made at an abstract level by writers who draw on the two very different philosophical traditions which contest the dichotomy , Marxism with its concept of praxis , and the American pragmatists who direct our attention to the consequences of our actions .
15 Challenges on this ground can be made at an earlier stage in the reference by a construction summons , which is a procedure by which a party who disputes the meaning of a document can apply to the court for a ruling .
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