Example sentences of "make at [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore they need only be made at a higher level of aggregation and should highlight potential peaks and troughs .
2 It has been in the initial stage in which wishing prevails over thinking , generalisation over observation , and in which little attempt is made at a critical analysis of existing facts or available means .
3 Peru , Bolivia and Colombia opposed US proposals , made at a preparatory meeting in Quito , Ecuador , in early February , to allow aircraft or warships of member countries of a " regional conference and action group " to enter each other 's territory , sea or airspace in pursuit of drug traffickers .
4 The presentation would be made at a Divisional Meeting in due course .
5 The suggestion was made at a joint meeting of all sides organised by North Yorkshire county council .
6 The result of our cursory glance at the attempts that have been made at a new perspective on law and the legal system is thus both clear and complicated : the legal system can no longer be understood to be monolithic , but is differentiated , and this differentiation is structured by its relationship to other social sub-systems ; law , moreover , has a different ideological role in different national legal cultures .
7 Finally , a good deal of inquiry is made at a local level by local authorities or local voluntary bodies attempting to assess a particular problem in the immediate area .
8 The last ditch attempt to fend off polltax capping was made at a special meeting of the council in the Shire Hall .
9 The award was made at a special ceremony at Admiralty House in London .
10 Additional awards were made at a later stage to three individuals who were unable to attend .
11 The teaching of study skills should of course obviate the problems that arise in assignments and projects , but generally this provision has been made at a later stage of the pupils ' school career , at the sixth-form level , when a recognized amount of their time is allocated to private study .
12 Coins , especially those of precious metal , were made at a particular standard of so many coins to a unit of weight ( be this a Roman scripulum or an English grain ) .
13 I would prefer , at the risk of offending the purists , to take a robust attitude , and simply say that it is a decision made at a particular time in response to a particular situation against a particular political background , and is poor material on which to build any general proposition .
14 Local leaders attributed it to a request made at the Russian Congress of People 's Deputies by the Chair of South Ossetia 's Supreme Soviet , Torez Kolumbegov , for the autonomous region in Georgia to be reintegrated in the Russian Federation [ for January referendum in favour of reintegration see pp. 38731-32 ] .
15 This activity continued despite the threat made at the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) summit in July to blockade NPFL territory if Taylor did not implement the terms of the Yamoussoukro IV peace agreement by the end of August [ see p. 38993 ] .
16 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
17 The decisions will be made at the appropriate level by those who have a stake in them .
18 The statement was made at the fifth session of the negotiating committee of the UN Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change , meeting in New York .
19 As well as the contents of the official register ( use official form of request for certificate of search ) , search is invariably made at the same time for other information noted on the records of the local authority of which a buyer needs to be informed ( two forms here ; one for London boroughs and one for all other district councils ) .
20 Assuming that the ultimate disclosure is made at the same time under either rule , they receive only $50 for their share without insider trading .
21 It was William Beveridge who hailed a revolution in public administration : ‘ We have … under the stress of war , made practical discoveries in the art of government almost comparable to the immense discoveries made at the same time in the art of flying ’ .
22 There are special collar bosses or soil manifolds which enable a WC connection and a bath connection to be made at the same point on the soil stack .
23 The coup was declared illegal by the government and its allies , among them France , the French officer responsible for presidential security declaring the coup unlawful in a statement made at the main square in Moroni , the capital .
24 Enquiries about the social fund , ( Page 2 ) income support ( Page 2 ) and fuel direct ( Page 8 ) should be made at the local office of the Department of Social Security .
25 Should the review require an adjustment to this committee 's target , a further report will be made at the next meeting of this committee on any amendment to that target .
26 Admittedly , this last complaint , made at the very start of the chapter , is harsher than it sounds .
27 But in an announcement made at the High Court in London it 's agreed to pay compensation on the basis of 85 percent liability .
28 Real progress was made at the UN-sponsored talks on Afghanistan in May 1986 since it was agreed that Soviet troop withdrawals should begin simultaneously with the cessation of external interference and not after it as Soviet officials had previously insisted .
29 Under the Conservative government , as noted , the tax system became less progressive , with the major reductions being made at the top end of the tax range and there were increases in national insurance and the nonprogressive indirect taxes .
30 The purchaser claimed under two heads , first for the capital loss and secondly for his loss of profits — the latter head being based on the difference over three years between the profits made at the machine 's actual rate of output and the higher profits which would have been made at the warranted rate of output .
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