Example sentences of "make a [noun] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The pregnant woman , having just made a face at the taste of the spicy chicken wings , just as Belinda had done , was about to take a sip of Greg 's very strong gin and tonic .
2 more than sixty feet long and erm over the last two or three years er I 've made a patio at the bottom , right the whole width of the garden
3 Pauline had made a reservation at the Waterside Café in Bridgetown for 12.30 .
4 LAST week , a newspaper which sells mainly in the Glasgow area made a dig at The Scotsman .
5 In January Jones , Palmer and a third colleague , Prof. Larry Rees , organised a student research topic around this and in March one student , Paul Dahl , made a presentation at the University about his work .
6 ‘ He made a mistake at the top of the hill in the Gold Cup , ’ Gaselee said , ‘ but you can take it from me , he did n't have a hard race .
7 She made a friend at the language school , a fellow teacher called Eleanor Ramsay , who was married to a young don and wished to be a writer .
8 Scrambling , she got to her feet and made a grab at the kitchen knife at the sink .
9 Bill made a rockery at the front .
10 I knew the day and the month and made a stab at the year .
11 The statesman made a speech at the dinner .
12 Athelstan sipped from his wine cup and made a face at the sourness of the drink .
13 It is high time that there was a public inquiry into the matter and that the Minister of Agriculture made a statement at the Dispatch Box .
14 After the ultimate collapse of the last-minute French initiative [ see below ] , he made a statement at the request of the Security Council on Jan. 15 , saying : " As … the world stands poised between peace and war , I most sincerely appeal to President Saddam Hussein to turn the course of events away from catastrophe and toward a new era of justice and harmony …
15 Again a metaphorical breach of a sacred boundary has occurred and an ‘ enemy ’ made a gain at the expense of the integrity of the inside !
16 Perhaps he thought of this too when he climbed on the chair and made a noose at the end of the rope , a very neat noose with the rope bound ten times round the loop in even rings .
17 But first we make a stop at the east foot of the hills , a highly active area of slimy , bubbling sulphur pits .
18 You could restore the original layout and typography , identify the genre , the title , the publisher , the author , the dedication , make a guess at the identity of Jean and Helga , say that this is only the beginning of something , predict possible continuations , say whether you would read on … and answer many other questions besides .
19 She 'd told him the nurse was coming to see her lawyers and make a statement at the end of that week .
20 No , I 'm sorry three times I 've said it , it is not make a face at the end of the chorus , it 's there it , and there is just one way , the chorus says if you want to be happy and have a happy face and spread a little joy around then there is just one way , then you make the face
21 Decide on a time each week to work on finishing off projects , and make a start at the beginning of the list , and work your way through it , ticking off the completed projects as you finish them .
22 The sweat was gathering in his brows , getting ready to slide down his nose and make a dewdrop at the end which would either stay there wobbling about very obviously and making him want to sneeze , or force him to draw attention to it by wiping it away .
23 The operation involved making a hole at the back of the head , another hole in the tummy and re-routing the fluid from the brain down through a tube under the skin .
24 I was recently in a top Dublin record shop , looking for a copy of ‘ Bleach ’ by Nirvana , as recommended by top H.P. scribe Mick O'Hara , when who did I see making a purchase at the counter but the diminutive indie kid himself .
25 They were making a decision at the end of March .
26 Most of them did nothing about it but hurried on , some scowling , one , a child , making a face at the camera , holding up his hands as if they were big ears and waggling his fingers .
27 I do not say that people ’ have it taken out of them ’ for making a complaint at the time when that complaint is made , but there may be a problem the next time something happens .
28 The Government was understood to have decided against making a statement at the request of Labour which wanted the opportunity to reply in full to the Budget .
29 The most recent idea was making a path at the side of their home incorporating large circles made of paving setts to break up the monotony of a straight path .
30 In addition , in either case , the patient may have to make a payment at the point of receipt of service . [ … ]
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