Example sentences of "make their way [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As their demand for more food arises the young ferrets will then make their way towards the fresh meat , taking a great interest in it .
2 Having passed the green flashing light at the end of the main breakwater and also that of the inner Leon y Castillo mole , both of which are left to starboard , arriving yachts should make their way to the small boat harbour .
3 The few songs that The Wedding Present released in 1988 made their way into the various end of year charts .
4 The grass was wet and thick near the stream and they made their way up the opposite slope , looking for drier ground .
5 He and Cranston were still arguing rival theories when they reached Aldgate long after dark and made their way through a small postern door in the city gate .
6 They made their way through the thinning trees , the moonlight touching the grass with silver , seeing the shadows changing as they neared the forest 's edge , becoming thinner , less mysterious , more like ordinary shadows that lay across ordinary roads at night .
7 Firefighters wearing special protective clothing made their way through the dense smoke towards the fuel flask .
8 A few stalls stood uncovered and some brave souls made their way through the ankle-deep , mucky slush .
9 This was the first time that father and son had been separated and it is apparent that Leopold undertook much of the organisation for the visit , advising Mozart and his mother of places to stay , even giving the costs of meals as they made their way through the German states .
10 ’ Athelstan tugged him by the sleeve and they made their way across the deserted bailey to the steps leading up to the parapet walk .
11 ‘ On , on , on , ’ and with that they made their way towards the back door .
12 Middlesbrough 's battle-weary troops were cheered by thousands of fans as they made their way to a civic reception in an open-topped bus .
13 ‘ Come on , ’ he said and they both left Steed parked there and made their way to the twisted and bent railing that was his door to the family .
14 Corbett urged him to keep quiet and was more than relieved when they entered the narrow , winding , rutted streets of Leith and made their way to the small market square .
15 Not two hours after digesting this news over their breakfasts , the same industry officials made their way to the Federal Court of Australia to receive the decision on their appeal over the February 1991 judgment by Justice Morling on a Tobacco Institute of Australia advertisement concerning passive smoking that was run throughout the Australian press in 1986 .
16 Others made their way to the coca-growing Chapare region , only to return plagued by the heat and tropical illness .
17 They walked along the platform and made their way to the Metropolitan Line , thus entering , though they did not know it , the oldest part of the system .
18 They made their way to the sloping bank of allotments , where Pat Weaver had been tenant of lot 18 .
19 Constance Richards was her passenger in the jeep on Saturday , as they made their way to the little church of Santa Barbara .
20 Goodnight , ladies , ’ he continued with a cheerful wave , as he and Karelius made their way past a waiting crowd of belles de nuit .
21 Athelstan checked that the windows and doors of the priest 's house were locked , slung his saddle bags over a protesting Philomel , and both horse and rider wearily made their way along the icy track .
22 Lamps were burning inside the Swan Inn , but any drinkers still there were quiet as the trio made their way along the winding lane through the village .
23 The friar joined Sir John in one last cup of mulled wine , heated with a red hot poker and spiced with cinnamon , before they reclaimed their horses from the stable and made their way along the darkening highway towards Mile End .
24 The king held a council at Nottingham from 14 to 19 October 1330 , and on 19 October the king and a small band of followers made their way by a subterranean passage into Nottingham Castle , where Mortimer and Isabella were lodged .
25 He did n't answer for a while and then , as they made their way round the little lake , he answered , ‘ Ivanov . ’
26 The main advantage with this system would be that players from junior clubs could get noticed by selectors and make their way up the representative ladder without having to move clubs .
27 This non-reciprocal pattern of usage is closely linked with expectations that the younger person should not be held back as they make their way through an English-speaking educational system by an over-familiarity with Patwa .
28 I think if anything it 's more likely that what we 'll have at Oxford is some extremely tough women , because these are women who have made their way through the educational system and are tough cookies .
29 The whole company had then made their way along the considerable length of the dripping tunnel by torch light , until they had exited at its other end into the moonlit woods outside the perimeter fence .
30 They were headed across the garden , making their way down the winding palm-fringed path to the jetty where Guido 's boats were kept .
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