Example sentences of "make [pers pn] [adj] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This quote from Jean Aurenche , who co-scripted Tavernier 's first three features , identifies the driving force which informs all the director 's work , and has made him one of the leading European directors today .
2 But it has made us aware of the crusted , jewel-bright variety of Latin America behind things that more often lump its nations together .
3 To be able to fly one around in a circuit made you one of the top flyers in the world .
4 His wealth made him one of the principal paymasters of the English Catholic community , and in political circles he was generally seen as the leader of Catholic opinion .
5 The answer is that his remarkable methods as batsman , bowler and captain made him one of the great sporting entertainers .
6 And made him one of the leading authorities on the fourteenth century , which was arguably the most terrible century that had ever been , at least until the present one .
7 His wife 's share in the partition of the vast Gloucester estates made him one of the leading territorial magnates and led to his being summoned to Parliament from November 1317 .
8 Salt is effective by stimulating the taste buds of the tongue and making them aware of the basic tastes of the food being eaten .
9 He was a perceptive developer of the promising research of others , having that rare combination of commercial acumen and technical expertise , making him one of the great engineers .
10 Now Hector 's is in the limelight not only in New Zealand but also internationally , as efforts to save this unique species are making it one of the conservation success stories of the world .
11 From the moment he had come to power , Napoleon III had made it plain that for him the problem of Paris was not simply one of creating prosperity for its inhabitants ; rather it was one of transforming and embellishing the city in such a way as to make life better for its inhabitants while simultaneously making it worthy of the new France .
12 It is hoped that within two years Mr Stott will lead a management buy-out of the People , making it independent of the other Mirror titles .
13 He will make us aware of the great hardships some people have to endure when they realise that to become a Catholic means making a tremendous sacrifice in their present lives .
14 This throws a more realistic light on the spectacular statistics and glowing reports of widespread conversions , and it should make us wary of the forced professions and the hot-house wonders of superficial evangelistic movements .
15 is a marvellous new publication which is specifically for parents of pre-school children , to make them aware of the Catholic network of schools provided for them .
16 PASSIONATE songs and groovy diversions and a voice that cracks and soars and makes you aware of the rich possibilities of your lot , instead of burying your feelings in a horrible , orthodox genre .
17 ‘ He reached the World semi-final last year at Bradford which makes him one of the top 32 riders in the world .
18 Statistical representativeness is not , of course , assured simply by means of large numbers ; a large sample , running into several hundreds or thousands may be selected in a way which makes it unrepresentative of the general population , while a small sample may , conversely , meet more precisely the criterion of representativeness .
19 Literature is regarded as distinct from all other uses of language , since only literature ( by being non-referential ) makes us aware of the true ( i.e. Saussurean ) nature of language .
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