Example sentences of "make [adj] for the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tom , a professional engineer , set up the company 5 years ago after being made redundant for the third time .
2 MOSCOW — Huge amounts of computerised information held in Soviet data bases are to be made available for the first time to Western research , it was agreed at a conference for Western and Eastern scientists here , writes Justin Arundale .
3 He it was who rescued a number of precious unpublished test recordings from private collections , and caused them to be made available for the first time .
4 With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls , however , a corpus of Essene material was made available for the first time , and it is now possible to assess the Essenes on their own terms .
5 The Alternative Payment Method ( APM ) for class 1A National Insurance contributions is to be made available for the next tax year under the same terms as before .
6 Their report , published by the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , draws on climate data made available for the first time to the West by the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences .
7 Organisers tried to make good for the last minute defection of many major galleries , including the leading Paris furniture specialists , with provincial French replacements , and the quality of goods was often far from top rate .
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