Example sentences of "get [adv prt] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They had doubled back and got out of the single-leaf door of the car .
2 Could you then have got out of the black hole with the remaining extra stage ? ’
3 When the explosions eased off a bit , I bade farewell to Pat and got out of the big house as quickly as possible .
4 ‘ I must have got out of the wrong side of the bed , ’ Beck said .
5 As she passed Veronica 's house , she noticed that one of the men had got out of the green Maestro and was making his way round the back of the building .
6 ‘ You have never got out of the childish habit of trying to do several things at once , ’ Sally had said to her once ; Sally , so cool , so contained , so efficient she sometimes made Harriet feel as if she were still a child , though of course she would never admit it .
7 Gradually I get out of the unscientific habit of trying to read other people 's faces , and come to see the bodies from which personality has faded as the automata which for scientific explanation they already are .
8 Politicians are n't going to stick their necks out to help break up the various logjams unless we 're shouting and yelling at them from the bank — for the most part to encourage them , but also to warn them of dire consequences to come if they get out of the hot water before the job is done .
9 Instead of a young person being sentenced to a period in custody , which means that it is all too likely that he or she will continue in a life of crime , become a professional criminal and never get out of the criminal world , the alternative makes both moral and economic sense .
10 Get out of the fucking way .
11 ‘ It 's not fucking lover-boy , dear , now get out of the fucking bath and do as you 're told and you wo n't get hurt . ’
12 However the players are getting out of the losing habit .
13 On one occasion , the Tsar got out of the Imperial train for a stroll at Binul Station and the train left without him .
14 But once I got out of the splitting shop out into the dry , handling leather rather than skins , er it were terrific , absolutely terrific .
15 The teacher expressed concern that , although he could write quite well in English , he only did so when writing collaboratively with his friend ( who was absent ) ; she thought that collaboration might be becoming an avoidance strategy , to get out of the frustrating task of attempting to write in English .
16 How are we to get out of the present mess ?
17 ‘ It 's such a relief to get out of the starched uniform and the black stockings , ’ she said loudly so that the crowd around us could hear .
18 ‘ You tried to get out of the black hole with an ordinary rocket .
19 The probability is low for it to move a long distance at more than the speed of light , but it can go faster than light for just far enough to get out of the black hole , and then go slower than light .
20 Philip was thankful to get out of the crowded waiting-room .
21 But the show was all for nothing : there were no punters out there , except for a scattering of people , hunched into anoraks , hurrying home to get out of the persistent drizzle .
22 Something brown was fighting to get out of the bright green of the marsh .
23 At daybreak , though , they passed out into the ocean proper , still heating to the north-west to get out of the miserable cold .
24 To get out of the military training then given at boarding schools needed iron determination and met pressure from schoolmasters and unpopularity among boys .
25 He wanted to get out of the old activist scene and transform himself into a modern , successful businessman .
26 The event horizon , the boundary of the region of space-time from which it is not possible to escape , acts rather like a one-way membrane around the black hole : objects , such as unwary astronauts , can fall through the event horizon into the black hole , but nothing can ever get out of the black hole through the event horizon .
27 Regionals tend to have natural franchises and are likely to get the best pickings of whatever expanded powers commercial banks may get out of the pending reform of the financial system , once Congress gets round to letting it happen .
28 The desperate situation of the woman in fear of the loan man 's visits ( Appendix II , section 5 ) is an example : already summoned to court , and breaking open the meters to pay him , she said ‘ You just do n't get out of the human jungle once you sink into that depth of debt ’ .
29 As soon as they pass their driving test , they can get out of the supervised test car and hop into a two or three litre car and off they go down the road to possibly death and destruction .
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