Example sentences of "get [adv] [coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then , when we realised and accepted the situation , I just got on and helped him with his fight . ’
2 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
3 I thought he were gon na forget that , I thought I should of got up and told everybody at the front
4 Celia got up and followed her into the kitchen , and there were muffled sounds of crying .
5 I got up and kissed her on the way up and went to meet the boys .
6 A guardsman got up and thanked him in English for granting the battalion a week 's leave .
7 He said as much when he got up and drove me to the airport . ’
8 Suddenly the official got up and took me to the lift .
9 ‘ You snored all night , ’ he said with relish , and Cermait got up and removed himself from this low vulgar company , because you could not stay in a room with people who told the High Queen that you snored .
10 Madame Gautier held the small silver tray of chocolates out for Ellie , who unable to resist , got up and helped herself to another one .
11 When she was alone on the terrace , she found herself staring fixedly at a cockroach as it scuttled around in the heat , then got up and hammered it to death with her shoe .
12 or get in and put her in her boot
13 Get in and get her in a wheelchair !
14 Most days when it is severe , I simply get up and immerse myself in work .
15 And when your back to school get back and do it in a serious way .
16 I pulled Armstrong in behind his car , got out and joined him by the gate .
17 He got out and helped her from her seat , and turned to do the same for Dana .
18 So that 's why we said well let's get on and decide which of the next four homes to be refurbished .
19 We know , even those of us who are still smoking know what the , what the problems are , let's get on and do something about it !
20 Knock on her door at 3 a.m. for a leg massage and I swear she would get up and do it for you , though she might swear a little under her breath !
21 just the , so we can put the new filter in , only they fret wants cleaning , I can do that , if you 'll get up and undo it for me
22 It is only then that I can get up and interpose myself between his wet shirtfront and the sink , where the suds soak into my lower back .
23 If anyone puts a verse like that on my headstone , I 'm warning them right now that I 'll get up and haunt them for ever .
24 Because he thinks a woman is not gon na get up and smack him in the face .
25 you 've done it , she 's had to get out and put it on herself .
26 ‘ Then we must get back and wake everyone in Strelsau ! ’
27 So , I 'd an appointment in town at the hairdressers and for a legwax and that you do n't want to let yourself go I do n't want him to get back and catch me with my knickers down and my nail varnish all chipped …
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