Example sentences of "so [adv] as they [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 In fact , you can choose any level of regular or monthly savings so long as they do n't exceed the maximum savings allowed .
2 Left : Another good predator is the Arrow Crab Stenorhyncus seticornis , which is safe in reef aquaria so long as they do n't contain small shrimps , which along with juvenile crabs are greatly to the Arrow Crab 's taste .
3 Another good predator is the arrow crab Stenorhyncus seticornis , which is safe in reef aquaria so long as they do n't contain small shrimps , which are also to the crab 's taste .
4 ‘ I should just let them get on with it , ’ said Ellen lightly , ‘ so long as they do n't start sacrificing goats .
5 Mm , so long as they do n't .
6 So long as they do n't do it at those two times a day .
7 New things had happened , the spread of the scientific temper , erm reasonably effective and cheap methods of contraception , the emancipation of women due to the development of industry , the decay of Christianity , all these various factors made the old conception of marriage out of date , and so he takes it in hand , he pillories it , and he suggests new possibilities , of which one seems to be nowadays obtaining favour , that 's trial marriage , i.e. that people should experiment with living together erm so long as they do n't intend at that stage to have children , before they finally decide to marry and settle down .
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