Example sentences of "so [adv] [vb pp] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
2 Marvell is so much taken with the love he has of nature he even proposes to cut out the names of the trees in their own bark , as opposed to the names of lovers .
3 The thought that MPs are so easily bribed with a couple of gin and tonics and a lamb cutlet is ridiculous . ’
4 But it is paramount that the soloist be so directly acquainted with the score that he or she is able to offer us a personal interpretation of it ; in a sense , a critical commentary on it .
5 However , his search for alternative employment has so far met with no success .
6 However , it is arguable that representatives of subject areas not so conventionally identified with the notion of a school library ( e.g. art , science , and computer studies ) might have helped to break the stereotypical view of school libraries as the preserve of the English department and provided the team with some refreshingly different perspectives .
7 Even had you not been so well acquainted with the family , I dare say .
8 The first is that despite what was said earlier about the unique nature of art-objects , the stance of being suggests why the arts are so frequently associated with the human , and are therefore regarded as central to the ‘ humanities ’ .
9 Because of these perceptions , many of the sources of confidence so completely associated with the monarchy — from its role in European affairs to its architecture — came to an end when Mary reigned ; it was left to others to give a lead .
10 Though always happy at Saint Cloud , the Emperor had a weakness for the great palace of Fontainebleau , perhaps because of its associations with Napoleon I. Because of the magnificence of the palace it was impossible to live a quiet family life and so June was a month of great social activity , a sort of informal summer Court , at which was to be found the glittering society so indelibly associated with the regime .
11 Yet there was also a genuine upsurge of religious feeling , of anger and hatred towards the infidels who had dared seize back the ‘ holy earth ’ so dearly bought with the blood of the First Crusade .
12 It sometimes happens that the wrong is so closely connected with a contract that the enforcement of liability for the wrong would in effect amount to an enforcement of the contract .
13 In both cases , it is sensible for the petrochemicals business to handle the products because their manufacture at Wilton is so closely integrated with the aromatics plant .
14 A member of a board , although not affected by one of the statutory disqualifications above mentioned , may be so closely associated with the subject-matter of the proceedings as to make it improper that he should act and vote as a member of the board in connection with them .
15 ‘ Second Empire style ’ was copied and transplanted to other European capitals , and even to the New World and it was so closely identified with the Emperor himself that it was sometimes referred to as Style Napoléon III .
16 Miss D'Arcy was with Mrs Moore in the parlour in which he had so recently talked with the Colonel .
17 Externalized graphic , plastic , dramatic , or electronic representations make up the ‘ media ’ and provide that cultural environment that is so inextricably intercalated with the biology of the performers and the physicality of the environment .
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