Example sentences of "as if [pron] was [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Romantic , ’ said Zeinab , as if she was taking the word down to be used in evidence .
2 Turakina behaved as if she was seeing the offworlder for the first time .
3 She said , as if she was seeing the possibility of doubt for the very first time , ‘ You arc the man from the pest control ? ’
4 ‘ He 'll be with fairground people , ’ said Mrs Flaherty , staring into her teacup as if she was reading the leaves .
5 She lifted her arm to catch at a branch and , as she held it down , rainwater fell on her face her eyes were shut ; it was as if she was drinking the scent of lilac .
6 Cilla looked on , grinning as if she was watching the perfect Blind Date union .
7 One thing that he noticed ; every now and again she 'd glance at the uncurtained window , as if she was checking the progress of the oncoming darkness .
8 All this came from Lucy in a rush , as if she was giving the background to someone else 's story .
9 ‘ He sounded as if he was telling the truth . ’
10 And for the first time since he had so suddenly reappeared in her life Laura saw her husband 's shoulders slump , almost as if he was bearing the weight of his own brother 's horrific injuries .
11 He was running , just as children of that age do , almost as if he was chasing the shadows across the moor .
12 He stared at Rostov as if he was calculating the value of what he had said .
13 Penny was Sixer of the Kelpies , and when her granny had given her a beautiful budgie for a birthday present she decided to name it Kelpie after her Six , especially as the bird had a little silver patch on his throat — just as if he was wearing the Promise Badge , Penny pointed out gleefully .
14 The band had been thrown together at the last moment ; and none of the musicians looked or sounded as if he was enjoying the experience .
15 He looked as if he was fighting the desire to glare at her , but his mother 's eyes were on both of them and he answered quietly enough .
16 ‘ We have been in constant touch with him , ’ said Quigley , as if he was reassuring the chairman about the Exports Division .
17 He got up and was about to return to his house to wash the dirt from Meg 's grave from his hands when Cranston swaggered in , throwing the door open as if he was announcing the Second Coming .
18 as if he was relishing the fact that she was disconcerted , his eyes held a glint of malicious satisfaction .
19 But he 'd sat there listening , with that sneering smile of his , drinking Ban 's claret as if he was doing the Braithwaites a great favour , while Ben , who 'd had his share of claret too , lamented the fall of the Whig government , which might have done something for the manufacturing classes , and the election of the land-owning Tories , that bunch of country squires like the Larks , who would not .
20 Sometimes it would stop and shine downwards , as if it was scanning the earth for something .
21 I looked as if I was reading the paper , but my mind was going over the events at Ingard House , and the curious discrepancy in the stories about Andrew Stavanger .
22 as if I was holding the thought in my hands , looking at it , turning it about .
23 Let me luv thee my own road , as if I was bringin' the money ‘ ome .
24 They Matt and me , that 's to say — were arguing about baptising the Indians , and at the point the raft capsized it looked as if I was winning the argument .
25 After walking for some time , having covered about half the distance between the two stations , Willie became aware of a steady , yet rather unnerving sound just ahead as if someone was hammering the rails .
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