Example sentences of "as a [noun] [vb mod] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that you can turn the engine off and use it as a glider must extend the appeal of this unusual creature which hardly fits the general public 's notion of a microlight .
2 The latter occurs as a trick used to fool the natives in Stevenson 's ‘ The Beach of Falesá ’ , where ‘ the sound of singing in the wind ’ caused by an Aeolian harp is mistaken for spirit voices near a mock-temple of imitation gods , ‘ idols or scarecrows , or what not ’ .
3 It was anticipated that the final 1990 homicide rate for the country as a whole would exceed the 1980 record of 23,040 murders .
4 He thought : ‘ Perhaps Darlington as a whole would like a complete set . ’
5 In deference to democracy , and if time permitted , perhaps the House of Commons as a whole might elect the new Prime Minister .
6 Viewed in this light we consider it important that the movement as a whole should adopt a balanced approach to the problems that have arisen .
7 Only a few , largely of the younger members , consider that at least for the first few years after an election , the House as a whole should keep a wary eye on the government and seek to support or influence its policy irrespective of the line taken by the official Opposition .
8 Moving back another step to a still wider canvas , the holiday as a whole should have an overall structure : preparations for the journey and the journey itself ; arrival at the holiday destination ; introductory shots of the immediate vicinity ; a day on the beach ; a visit to a place of interest ; night-life , and so on …
9 ‘ Singapore is not competing with these countries but promoting all ASEAN countries so that the region as a whole can offer the full range of resources and become a global economic power , ’ said Mr Lee .
10 Or how , if governments are to use movable exchange-rates to keep their economies competitive , the Community as a whole can avoid a race to devalue that merely fuels inflation .
11 The constituent units may be of quite different length and they may appear in quite a different order and quite different emphases may be given to particular features of the story , but the corpus as a whole will contain the same set of elements .
12 Above all the Commission hopes that the Church of England as a whole will take a fresh look at , and a renewed interest in , the music of worship which is an essential part of its rich inheritance .
13 The research as a whole will provide the vital national framework against which individual privatisation decisions can be considered .
14 Marion Russell stands at the threshold and peeps cautiously round the edge of the door , surveying the arrangement of people and furniture as a thief might case a property for ease of entry and swiftness of escape .
15 Colleagues , if we believe in playing the full part in the European community then as Steven Hughes has just said we as a union must back the Maastricht Treaty .
16 Minimum premiums are just the smallest amount that Abbey as a company can make a profit on .
17 He does this deliberately to show that you too as a Christian will hit the floor .
18 The world is discovered , not invented , and , just as a map should record the presence of dragons only if there are dragons , so science should deal in forces and causal laws only if there are such things .
19 Kragan knelt down in front of Adam and looked at him as a butcher would appraise a cut of meat .
20 They are , however , making use of a tool to help them just as a botanist might use a magnifying glass .
21 She staggered and half fell and , as Raynor caught her , the wolf creature gave a howl of triumph and fell back on its haunches , making a scuttling , circling movement as a cat will make a nest for itself before sleeping .
22 Development of the worker-client relationship and of the case as a case may depend a lot on how far the client sees the worker as filling the position of parent adequately and how far the social worker is prepared to take account of the client 's expectations in this respect .
23 Some women can become fixed in the ‘ negative pole ’ expression of image , however ; just as a woman can wear a rigid mask of beauty , so too she can go to the opposite extreme and deliberately make herself ugly in order to protect herself and demonstrate her anger against the world , or , possibly , her dislike of men .
24 He has read it before but he dips into it from time to time as a priest might consult the Bible in preparation for a sermon , or a poisoner Feltman 's Toxicology in preparation for a murder .
25 And er what they found was that the media sensitive managers were much more likely to be regarded as highly successful and sensitivity in selection of media by relating the medium to the message would seem to relate quite closely to erm y'know high performance as a manager Let's have a look at
26 Gabriel has ousted it as a skyscraper will fragment a cloud , as a charging bull will shatter the morning mist , as a massive ink-stain will erase a delicate sketch .
27 Members of society generally share norms which define acceptable male and female apparel and which specify appropriate dress for different age groups : in British society , a 70-year-old grandmother dressed as a teenager would contravene the norms for her age group .
28 Although food as a reward can play a part in the training process , this should not be over-stressed .
29 Those who are not prepared to run their practices as a business must confront the fact that their practices have no long term future .
30 He can only approach him as a vassal might approach a great overlord , a rebellious vassal at that , who now repents his treachery and wishes to make amends .
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