Example sentences of "go [adv prt] to the [num] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then continue walking at this pace until you feel ready to go on to the 30 day walk back to fitness programme later in this chapter .
2 But going back to the 1944 triptych , you called it a base for the Crucifixion .
3 Stairs on the right went up to the sixteen guest rooms .
4 There is a sense in which after much complex art , much elaborate art , much sermonizing art of the sort I was talking about earlier , people sometimes get the urge to simplify things down and in a sense they say let's go back to the five finger exercise , let's see what a note on the piano sounds like instead of playing , you know , Chopin or Stravinsky all the time , let's remind ourselves what the actual note sounds like , or two notes together , or one note and then a gap and then another note , and you suddenly become aware of the richness , in a sense in these very simple elements .
5 As the line that seemingly connects the two circle centres needed close scrutiny , I went back to the 1:25,000 scale maps or the area and laid a straight edge along the apparent intersection .
6 The problem of organization went back to the 1881 Scheme which Higginson If I understood that Scheme at all " — took to mean that the two schools ( Upper and Lower ) were to he united absolutely into one .
7 Some aspects of open enrolment go back to the 1980 Education Act .
8 The tithe maps of Halling show all the property belonging to the Bishop of Rochester , but also that of owners bordering on these lands , so if we go back to the 1633 estate map we find that lands above the Pilgrims Road and in the area around Court Farm are owned by Luson or Leveson and the 1731 map shows Marsham and R. Wood as present owners .
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