Example sentences of "go [coord] [verb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , the director who would have done it , who is a name director , has asked me to go and work at the RSC because she 's now busy for exactly that period of time .
2 ‘ I should like to go and look at the sea . ’
3 Sara had told her to go to bed , or rather to go and look at the TV programme she wanted to watch .
4 The point is , you see , that I did not ask you to go and look at the time on that clock ; I merely asked you to study the numerals on it .
5 Gerry had seen his face and they got to go and look at the mug shots and all that and er longlegs had been informed across the road because they 'd got er a camera that works and er they got in touch with the , they told the police about it and so they 're going over there to see if it 's been recorded you see .
6 Not only are more and more people willing and able to go and look at the countryside , but the trend is towards more active recreational pursuits , involving the more extensive use of space and paralleled by an extension of the time spent there .
7 Yes , I 'll shall have to go and see at the traffic and find out what 's gone wrong .
8 I 'd tell him to go and ask at the gas sh offices for any erm shop-soiled
9 To be fair to be fair to him I think that he would erm he 's set his heart on going and working at the lawn mower place on the production line
10 ‘ In fact , just before the King left for Kinghorn , he instructed me to order Father John not to go but stay at the castle till he returned .
11 For most delegates the interesting part of the Conference is the address of the General Secretary , Ciaran Ryan in a wide-ranging and thought provoking address reviewed the events of the past ‘ eventful two years ’ , looked at current issues and outlined some of the specific issues which the incoming Executive Committee would have to take up , Jobs , their retention and creation were major issues and closely connected was the position of part-time workers in the industry who were exploited in many instances and also temporary staff who were ‘ fired and let go and threatened at the drop of a hat ’ .
12 I 'll go and stay at a hotel in some quite other place , somewhere I 've never been before .
13 Can I go and sit at the table cos my tea 's there .
14 Oh shall we go and sit at the cafe ?
15 Perhaps we three could go and eat at the Cross Keys in Chelsea . ’
16 Can I just go and shout at the office please ?
17 I know , Thérèse shouted : let's go and look at the kittens .
18 ‘ While you 're brushing down your overcoat , Anne , Christine and I will go and look at the tree and see if we can climb up to the apples . ’
19 Well I think I 'd better go and look at the jam again .
20 ‘ I must go and look at the chicken pie , ’ said Scarlet .
21 I 'll just go and look at the underwear .
22 ‘ Let's go and look at the railway , ’ said Peter .
23 I wonder why he did n't go and work at the bank ? ’
24 ‘ I sometimes go and stay at a house where a girl was killed .
25 Go and sit at the table .
26 . If there are bits that you do n't understand and you 're having trouble , give me a phone , I think I put my phone number on the board , give me a ring at home , give me a ring at Aston or come and see me or go and chat to your friends or go go and look at a text book but if that does n't help , then come back , right ?
27 Go and look at the clock you are thinking about and see whether or not you were right .
28 Botanical guides had their heyday during the Victorian mania for fern-collection , which stripped the mountains bare of many of the rarest species — go and look at the grave of ‘ Wil Boots ’ in Nant Peris churchyard for the story of this in miniature .
29 . Go and look at the garden . .
30 Go and look at the stones .
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