Example sentences of "go [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With the Hendrix show the work goes right across the range and it covers all the bases . ’
2 The Clapis area is reached by taking the road to the Col du Cayron , just before Gigondas , then a forestry road which goes right at the col and contours round the hill .
3 Now there 's the machine is g there the laminated copper er these commutators and it 's on main shaft that goes right through the generator and the turbine .
4 Twelve days later I received a call from an exultant Sylvia who told me that , on the previous evening , she had in fact managed to go right into the cupboard and switch off the light .
5 it be known then for that squad just to go right through the gambit and become a fully fledged riveter 's squad and work for their days as a squad ?
6 That little faith went on to go right round the world and it 's here today .
7 I think we had better try and influence that as churches not that we should about the suffering that goes on about the death that goes on , but I think we ought to give all this another dimension in churches .
8 I believe it to have been factually true that Crossman 's ambition to gain and retain Cabinet office was the aspiration to be in a position to observe what goes on as an academic or a philosopher observes .
9 Murderous and anguished work — the thinking that goes on between the rehearsal and the deed itself .
10 That part of the package has to be right , but it 's impossible to separate it from the consultation that goes on between the customer and the supplier before the sale is clinched .
11 The observer 's task is then to observe what goes on in a classroom and , every three seconds , to tick the category that best describes what has been happening during that period .
12 If we say that such-and-such a group of words are the " subject " or that some other group of words are the " predicate " in a copular verb phrase , we are , by such observations , recognizing the speaker 's intention to construct expressions which will identify certain properties and entities , and to assign some of the former to one of the latter , so as to let an audience know what entities are under attention and which properties are claimed to hold for which entities ; we take this to be the essence of what goes on in the use and understanding of linguistic expression ( whatever the purpose to which individual acts of communication are directed ) .
13 do a quick kill on the tarmac and see what goes on in the town and then they move on
14 Now clearly not everything that goes on in the body or mind is voluntary .
15 Some people argue that the INFORMAL ORGANISATION describes what really goes on in an organisation whereas the FORMAL ORGANISATION describes what ought to happen .
16 The producer should know the score , not in the same way as a conductor , but perhaps in the manner of a good driver who does not know what goes on underneath the bonnet but who can handle a car very well and one who knows exactly what to do if the car breaks down .
17 In the kinds of society in which most of my readers were brought up the coding of behaviour presupposes a sharp division between what goes on within the household and transactions which link the household to the rest of society .
18 The crimson rope-lights still held him , so that he was forced to go on down the slope until they stood before the terrible dwelling place of the necromancer .
19 I 'd like you to go on to a university and do music , but I think you 'll do that anyway , and I 'd like you to stop playing other instruments .
20 Yes if she 's coming out you mean you do n't , you do n't have to do it all tonight she wan might want to be talking about erm her grading a lot so you ca n't expect her to do any work until she 's got that out of her system she might want to go on for an hour or so .
21 But , nevertheless , for me eternity was not now , and I had to go on into the future and in this world .
22 Like my hon. Friend the Member for Bosworth ( Mr. Tredinnick ) , I have personal views about some of those matters , but we should await the report , when we will have a little more to go on about the circumstances and how this could have happened .
23 ‘ I do n't want to go on about the amount or work — everybody works hard .
24 She wanted him to stop yet at the same time wanted him to go on in the hope that the lovely sensations would begin again .
25 I have of late had two letters from him , in which he has shown such an easy and familiar way of expressing his thoughts , such a delight for improvement and so much exactness and dilligence in the making of observations that I look upon him to go onward with a curiosity and genious superior to most of his occupation .
26 Whether this chairman goes along with the president or not may turn on many factors , but bargaining is very likely to play a part .
27 It usually goes along with the claim that the ‘ technical ’ division of labour , i.e. the actual distribution of tasks , is in some sense subordinate to the social division .
28 Well , immediately on the left there 's a door an and the hall goes along by the path that you , you come up to that door .
29 Thirdly , as most of this century has produced a managerial literature based on a fervent belief in rationality and structure in organizations , power as a subject of investigation goes somewhat against the trend because it incorporates so much that is irrational , indefinable and not easily structured into neat manuals of best practice .
30 Nearing the narrows of the loch where the ferry operated , the road climbs a long incline through a forest , emerging in open country and here a branch , formerly the main road , goes down to the hotel and other buildings grouped forlornly around the old ferry pier : it is always sad to see an enterprise that has served its purpose well and has now had its day .
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