Example sentences of "go [prep] the [adv] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ MPs do n't seem to go for the very expensive end of the Indian restaurant market , ’ says Peter Grove .
2 Mr Makepeace , who dreaded public places where he might meet the boys of Burleigh , sat longer than any , pretending to go through the disgracefully scrappy mathematics homework that his classes saw fit to throw his way .
3 Erm , my Lord I do n't think it 's necessary to go through the rather complicated headland potentially gives you though I can see it from the er .
4 Why is it everyone goes for the most difficult car parking spot ?
5 Her final wish goes against the most fundamental principle of Conservative policy for more than a decade and one which she once fervently supported — taxes must rise .
6 Orton wrote him letters , both serious and humorous , going into the most intimate details of his sexual encounters .
7 However , just as at a certain place on the earth 's surface we can still call ‘ down' ’ the direction towards the centre of the earth , so a living organism that finds itself in such a world at a certain period of time can define the ‘ direction ’ of time as going from the less probable state to the more probable ( the former will be the ‘ Past' ’ and the latter the ‘ Future' ’ ) and by virtue of the definition he will find that his own small region , isolated from the rest of the universe , is ‘ initially' ’ always in an improbable state .
8 A little idiosyncratic , I think , my appearance — but without going to the slightly absurd lengths of ginger hair and freckles .
9 Or it goes into the very cheap coffees here and erm and no er what do you call it , Kwik Save sell some coffee and chicory mixture , which is forty four pence for a jar .
10 Lord May cast a different slant on the word early in the new century when he called for a ‘ Hooligan Conference ’ , later to go under the more dignified title of the Twentieth Century League .
11 But if we are to understand it , and , particularly , if we are to distinguish within it between cynical accommodation and genuine playfulness , we are going to have to go beyond the embarrassingly inappropriate assumption that it has something to do with ‘ Brechtian ’ distanciation or ‘ modernist ’ self-reflexiveness .
12 He asked to go to the most demanding area and ended up in Smallhealth and Sparkbrook with a case load of up to 60 children .
13 ( It must not be forgotten , of course , that contextual relevance goes beyond the purely linguistic context and embraces the whole context of situation .
14 There has been , however , a range of attempts to emphasize the place of commodities in exemplifying some general condition of dominance , which goes beyond the more particular implications of ideology .
15 It would be unfair and inaccurate to suggest that PageMaker was the first desktop publishing program , that honour probably goes to the now defunct Studio Software 's DO-it which actually ran on a PC rather than a Macintosh and , of course , there had been electronic publishing systems based on workstations and mainframes available for several years .
16 The Kirgiz leader , Masaliev , called for a unitary USSR with a strong centre ; most other republican first secretaries , however , called for a renewed federation , and the Armenian leader Movsisyan went for the more radical idea of the USSR as a union of sovereign states based upon a network of bilateral associations .
17 When the group were all finally back in their minibus Rachel and David went through the now expected ritual of waving them goodbye .
18 He became a cult figure in Glasgow , stalking the streets in leather pork-pie hats , wandering into darkened pubs wearing shades , and setting up an unofficial headquarters in the lounge of the St Enoch 's Hotel where he could survey the talent and go about the more important business of being Baxter .
19 On their pumping new single , ‘ Gold ’ , which is bizarrely reminiscent of New Order circa 1984 , East 17 go for the sneeringly philosophical angle , insisting that ‘ life is worth more than gold ’ .
20 Because accessibility and mobility around the organisation are essential , ‘ you should go for the most generalist person you can get ’ , he said .
21 I had gone through the most difficult period in an athlete 's career , that time before he makes the breakthrough , when he has difficulty in finding the right kind of competition , when money is tight .
22 ‘ He would go into the most terrible tantrums , all of this totally out of character . ’
23 Is my right hon. Friend aware that those policy proposals go under the somewhat misleading title of ’ Labour 's help to the unemployed ’ ?
24 He admired her enormously and she did what he wanted to do — went into the really serious theatre while he stayed the same . ’
25 Most of this largesse went to the most hopeless seats , to constituencies where no real preparations had been made , to places where nobody would risk his own money .
26 Most of the leading Conservatives who might have hoped to succeed him were disqualified as supporters of the Lloyd George Coalition , and the succession went to the relatively unknown Chancellor of the Exchequer , Stanley Baldwin .
27 One seat each went to the hitherto ruling People 's Liberation Movement ( PLM ) , the National Development Party ( NDP ) led by Bertrand Osborne , and an independent , Ruby Wade-Bramble .
28 Paddy Ashdown went on the now familiar walkabout and braved the scrum to canvass more support .
29 It is not entailed to the eldest son , or anything like that ; but as things stand , on Charles 's death it would go to the particularly repellent son of his younger brother . ’
30 He must go to the most expensive dentist on the face of the earth .
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