Example sentences of "go [verb] up [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He said he was going to drive up to the Spaniard 's for a drink .
2 This is not going to disappear overnight , it 's going to affect her for a long time , and she 's never going to catch up on the work that she 's missed over the last couple of months by having seven teachers in six weeks .
3 I think perhaps I 'd put that another way , but I do think there 's a definite sense in which change is going to come up through the colleges .
4 Before the meeting , you know at the moment John Major is in Moscow , erm before that meeting there 'll have been much work done by the officials on briefing papers , on trying to identify the potential issues that are going to come up in the meeting , there 'll have been a lot of background work that would be similar er to patterns of relationships between various departments erm in any process of decision making .
5 I need to put the date in my diary cos they 're going to fill up during the summer so you
6 did n't realize that half the family was going to end up on the dole did we ?
7 Glad to hear they are not going to end up on the table .
8 Duncan hoped that the drink was n't going to end up in the cockpit .
9 But they 're , they 're the gov they 're going to end up in the government .
10 It was n't just here and now , he was part of the past and he was going to sign up for the WEA history and archaeology classes .
11 ‘ Well , where else would you go to meet up with the Duke and his followers ? ’
12 You can not feel the elastic around your ankles when you are falling , just the rushing of the wind past your face , then suddenly the elastic goes tight and you go shooting up towards the platform again .
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