Example sentences of "go out into the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pupils are receiving occult teaching , and are studying the science of life — before going out into the larger world to relieve the stress of humanity , to teach mankind the Divine Wisdom , God 's Plan for the World , Evolution — to bring happiness to the unhappy , peace to the warring , and the only true happiness is found through service and brotherhood .
2 Finally , in moments of vision the internal mind ‘ goes out into the external Mind ; they communicate through new kinds of sense experience — this is what the ‘ sublime ’ passages in Tintern Abbey and The Prelude are about .
3 Dreamer went out into the still night , wading through the snow .
4 She stayed near him till he slept , went out into the dark hall , switched on the light with pride and with the knowledge of what that little act meant , what it had cost , would cost ; she pressed a tiny switch on the wall , and electrons obediently flowed through cables , because the woman in the Electricity had so ordered it
5 He went out into the dark night , the wind and the rain .
6 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
7 He took Hasan 's hand and went out into the clear light of April .
8 Allen picked up the sack and slung it over his shoulder and they all three went out into the open air .
9 He took the Mascot Missile 's keys from the tray in the hall and went out into the driving rain .
10 Taking the lanthorn from the shelf , she lit the tallow candle-stub from the fire 's dying embers , then went out into the hard brilliance of the moonlight .
11 They went out into the cold afternoon .
12 Following her pointing finger , they went out into the raw desert , and dug in the sand .
13 Between two classes I went out into the beautiful gallery on the first floor , open to the cloisters and the courtyard below .
14 Together they went out into the back garden .
15 There were no new notices on the wall-board criss-crossed with tape for messages , and Marion allowed Conroy to push open the big doors and go out into the cavernous darkness of the wings with their slats of scenery fencing the hollow stage , its set furniture dead beneath one working light .
16 It 's as if you 'd gone out into the bigger world and found out that it 's frightening or that it hurts , so you go home .
17 Afterwards they had gone out into the brilliant sunshine of mid-June , the English summer being fine for a change , and Matey had introduced her to her other , lesser treasure , the curate Mr Julian Sands .
18 Nails had woken up abruptly and been angry at being discovered , and had gone out into the grey morning without any conversation beyond the threat about pulping Hoomey if he split .
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