Example sentences of "go out [prep] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not going out with her at the moment .
2 Me and my missus are actually going out with me in the next couple of weeks ,
3 She was going out with him at the beginning of this term
4 and er I said you 've al also told me that Sue said there 's no way she 's going out with him on the at forty I said that 's only two years away .
5 Oh , poor Travis , Leith thought , her sympathies going out to him for the terrible time he was having .
6 Ooh right , okay , well there 'll be another one going out to you for the , I think the Saturday night er hotel
7 And there were pillars going out from it to the rocks er grouted into the rocks .
8 Her children were both obviously too little to understand more than the tone of her voice , and as she dressed them to go out with her to the shops she was saying " and when Daddy comes home , we 'll show him , shall we ?
9 The scabby , festering evil went out of him at the touch of this holy place .
10 Mutely he blessed her for the information and , after quickly slaking his appetite , he was drawn — as if he had no will of his own — to the pothouse , where he picked up Joanna , went out with her into the fields , and made love with a sweating savagery which seemed to satisfy even her and delivered him of a madness which had gathered like an abscess .
11 Leaning in the kitchen doorway , he watched as she put the kettle on , then asked softly , ‘ When did Ryan tell you he only went out with you for the money ? ’
12 So we need to get the word of God , go out with it at the right time and leave it with people .
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