Example sentences of "go to the [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to the higher class or whatever
2 Pick Systems Inc has recognised for some time that it will have to concentrate on the database side of Pick 's personality in order to survive , but currently only around 40% of sales comes from Pick for Unix , with a few percent going to the MD-DOS implementation and the native Intel Corp iAPX-86 implementation accounting for the biggest part of the business .
3 This guy last week she said you 're going to the Emerald Isles and he said where is the Emerald Isles ?
4 I think it was going to the extreme heat and damp down in , you know whether it was cold in .
5 Then I 'm going to the British Embassy and get a copy of the Daily Telegraph and I do n't care if it 's weeks old and I 'm going to read something I never normally look at like the nature notes if they have them .
6 Always lying handy as Coco Dancer led for most of the trip , Limeridge took up the running from Coco Dancer going to the last fence and at this stage was hotly pursued by the favourite Canute Express .
7 ‘ He said , ‘ let's try my method , you 've had the SMG , now try going to the top person and everything will be OK , ’ ' says Ramesh K. ‘ After the amount of hassle we 'd had , we thought we 'd give it a go . ’
8 So then about a week later I was going to the open evening and he said oh ask him how he remembers .
9 It is easy to go to the odd verse or two in the Bible and conclude triumphantly that homosexuality is a great evil and homosexual practices can never be condoned .
10 No , because we do n't have to go to the legal office or to school to teach for 50 hours a week in between ’ .
11 I used to go to the Botanical Gardens and sit in the sun , or wander round the aviaries admiring the birds of magnificent plumage .
12 Now if anything had been wrong with this shaft we used to have to go to the other shaft and ride that rope you see ?
13 He felt he wanted to go to the gipsy encampment and tell Boz that Anna could not marry Nahum .
14 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
15 And we had a letter home saying something about you need to go to the local dentist or something for treatment .
16 This is not a difficult climb , but there is 80′ to go to the next stance and I 'm all trembly .
17 Ludens told her to go to the British Museum and the National Gallery , which she did , though declining his offer to ‘ show her round ’ .
18 Charles and James used to go to the national conferences and there meet other like-minded ‘ wets ’ concerned about the right-wing drift to Thatcherism .
19 ‘ It had always been her ambition to go to the Holy Land and so when I arranged the trip I told her ‘ Right , now you 're going ’ .
20 ‘ Do you want to go to the giving-out-food woman and say there 's three small hungry people down here ? ’
21 So I decided not to go to the Literary Club but to stay at home .
22 Okay , so there you are you see , you 're , you 're a first aider and you come up to the person and you hold it the way you did last time and you think ah , now that 's the wrong way round of course , there 's my elbow point , there 's my injured elbow , so I have to be that way round , mm , so you turn it round the other way , right , your elbow shape goes to the injured elbow and your long line goes straight up and down the line of the body , you arrange it so that you only just covering the forearm there , with just enough above the hand to tie your reef knot that would be too little and that would be too much just enough above the hands to tie your reef knot , the first thing you do is to tuck nice , big bit of material right under the hand and anchor it into position , just keep that resting there and all the rest of this goes under the arm up between the shoulder blades there and you tie your first half of the reef knot just above the fingers in the hollow of the neck here , now that 's important because round the back here if you press on that bit of muscle there , there 's a big band of muscle , if you 've got a knot on that it gives a great deal of discomfort very quickly so you want to get the knots round in the hollow here that does n't hurt your casualty , there , draw it up half the knot , is that tight enough ?
23 Oh come on Christopher come and sometimes it in the right panel , that 's the right panel there and then it goes in the left hand and then it goes to the right hand and then it goes to the left then right , the left , the right , left , right , left , confusing , but it 's that hand to start with
24 But despite the problems of trying to ensure the food goes to the right people and does not cause any injury , Mr Major believes that using parachute air drops to the most dangerous areas would have value .
25 I mean , the point about this is that actually I must emphasise it 's a needs based assessment , both in allocating the overall amount of money that goes to the various areas and er those of you who 've already looked at it will see that area three seems to have a disproportionately high amount of the money .
26 Pedulla 's stated aim is to produce an instrument which will sound ‘ alive ’ even at flat tone settings , and credit for this goes to the Bartolini powerhouses and Pedulla 's tone-shaping circuitry .
27 I mean that was really , really turn that did n't you , you went to the other side and turn it over your
28 Nuadu 's eyes went to the other captives and Fenella at once said , ‘ Yes , of course , all of you .
29 Tallis went to the makeshift corral and let the animal out , stroking her bruised face , patting her flanks .
30 For centuries the traveller who wanted to cross a sea or an ocean went to the nearest port and hung about until he found a ship going in his direction .
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