Example sentences of "what have [adv] been [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Australia was also forced to take a stand on drift-netting when the establishment of the Australian Fishing Zone in 1979 brought under Australian jurisdiction a Taiwanese drift fleet that had been operating , since the mid 1970s , in what had previously been international waters in the Timor and Arafura Seas off northern Australia .
2 Parsons and his followers had found it ironic that their place of depravity should be built on what had previously been Holy Ground .
3 Certainly they conceded that these activities were popular in the sense that millions of people availed themselves of them but their argument had been that only in a very limited way can we talk of these activities as belonging to the masses : rather they represented the expropriation and packaging of what had previously been popular forms by middle-class organizations and in most cases by businessmen and entrepreneurs .
4 Newcomers often found work in areas that lay outside the jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor and Corporation , in what had once been rural manors ; they moved constantly from one district to another .
5 They were no longer men , just the vestigial remains of what had once been human beings .
6 What had hitherto been regional versions of folk and country music now joined with the former ‘ racist ’ music of the coloured population , creating through cross-fertilisation modern , i.e. ‘ pop ’ , music .
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