Example sentences of "what be [verb] [prep] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the man with the largest feet in Britain has just taken delivery of what are believed to be the biggest pair of shoes in the world .
2 This leads inevitably to great simplification or stylization , and , at the same time , to a clarification and accentuation of what are felt to be the significant features or details of the object depicted .
3 All the appellants seek orders that , because of the Secretary of State 's failure to comply with what are said to be the requirements as I have set them out , the decisions made in relation to each of the appellants as to their respective tariffs should be quashed .
4 Her Majesty 's Inspectors in their report on the teaching of English published in 1987 were particularly concerned by the low standard of teaching for A level English : ‘ Teachers spend too much time scrutinizing past papers and then drilling students in what are taken to be the ‘ correct ’ answers .
5 The chemical scheme combines what are thought to be the most important O x , NO x , HO x , ClO x , BrO x , CHO x and SO x ( ref. 17 ) reactions with the recommended kinetic data .
6 The word ‘ model ’ implies a physical description that does not attempt to be complete or accurate in detail but that encapsulates what are thought to be the central features of the phenomenon .
7 ‘ The Moltkean Revolution ’ , as it has been called , a led to the adoption everywhere in continental Europe of what were believed to be the secrets of its success — compulsory military service to provide a short-service army with a large trained reserve , and the creation of a permanent , highly-trained general staff .
8 Three fans were placed in this category on the basis of lengthy observation and in accord with what were taken to be the appropriate criteria for judging such people .
9 One could imagine the early days of the place , when Blondin had walked on a tightrope across the Great Hall , when 20,000 Wolf Cubs rallying to honour Rudyard Kipling unleashed their " Great Howl " in 1922 , or when what were reputed to be the greatest firework displays in Europe were held there .
10 A farmer has been using four oxen to plough a field in what 's believed to be the first public demonstration of the skill in almost twenty-five years .
11 what 's going to be the outcome of some of this .
12 What 's going to be the future for Scottish Nuclear after the Government Review ?
13 You 're putting over information on the basis that the only thing that a t an intelligent person think I 'm saying to you now , what 's going to be the effect of that on the listener ?
14 So we 've got four plus minus one is three , four plus minus two is two , four plus minus three is one , four plus minus four is nought , four plus minus five is minus one what 's going to be the next one ?
15 Lastly , Dudley , what 's going to be the future ?
16 A former Ministry of Defence worker , has been found guilty of accepting one and a half million pounds in backhanders from arms companies , in what 's thought to be the biggest ever corruption case .
17 The mini is a long way from what 's considered to be the first jukebox ; the Edison Phonograph .
18 They are not neutral with respect to what is seen to be the current orthodoxy .
19 Taxes raised on what is reckoned to be the world 's largest untaxed industry would help governments spend money on treatment and education , which would do more good than the billions currently spent on attempting to throttle the criminal supply of drugs of all sorts .
20 BDO Seidman has won what is believed to be the first successful countersuit by an auditor against a former client .
21 Wandering through the spacious grounds you will come upon what is believed to be the remains of an earlier 12th-century castle visited by five kings of England during the 12th and 13th centuries .
22 In an attempt to redress some of this balance , FlyPast has undertaken the compiling of what is believed to be the most comprehensive list of surviving World War Two Japanese aircraft yet published .
23 Likewise theological truth is held to exist in a sphere of its own , unaffected by scientific discoveries or knowledge which we now have which clashes with what is believed to be the biblical revelation .
24 What is believed to be the head of an Irish elk , which was found in a peat bog at Kildalton in 1870 , provides one of our first problems .
25 Even in 1839 , an estimated 50,000 had watched what is believed to be the first running of the race Aintree .
26 In what is believed to be the first development of its kind , a new hospital under construction in north-eastern England is being fitted with a range of energy-saving features which may reduce annual energy bills by as much as 60 per cent .
27 Six chemical companies and a property developer have agreed to pay damages of $207 million in what is believed to be the largest settlement of a court case over a toxic waste dump .
28 In what is believed to be the first case of its kind in Scotland , the teenager alleges that after more than a year of taunting and physical attack she could not continue and left the Royal High School .
29 For them , the person of good character has what is said to be the imagination to live tranquilly , or literally ‘ the wizardry to live tranquilly ’ ( mariya adiunaku ) .
30 The correlation between a legal obligation on the one hand and a subjective right on the other admits of no exception ; as distinct from what is said to be the situation in municipal law , there are certainly no obligations incumbent on a subject which are not matched by an international subjective right of another subject or subjects , or even … of the totality of the other subjects of the law of nations .
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