Example sentences of "there have been [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There has been speculation among local climbers that the individuals responsible for the chipping of Hareless Heart are also to blame on this occasion ; a theory backed up by the likelihood that the vandals had some level of climbing expertise .
2 There has been bloodshed in other communities .
3 But elsewhere , despite quite a bit of stodge , there has been evidence of lively and ( that old critical standby ) interesting , if not necessarily very innovative , work from a wide range of quarters .
4 Having listened with interest to the Minister 's statement on renewable energy and the fact that there has been reference to other sources of power , when shall we have a comprehensive statement on energy policy from the Government ?
5 Herbivores are , of course , also affected by the carnivory regime , weather , and other physical features , but , in the groups of plants that have survived the animal onslaught , there has been evolution of defensive features , both physical and chemical .
6 There has been work on imperfect monitoring in reputational models , Benabou and Laroque ( 1988 ) , Fudenberg and Levine ( 1988 , 1989 ) ; and there has also been work on models with a continuum of types , Milgrom and Roberts ( 1982 ) .
7 There has been reluctance in western Europe , up to now , to support the Anglo-American position in the Gulf .
8 Both Nicaragua and Cuba have seen significant changes for women , but the Cuban example is particularly instructive , since there has been time for new gender roles to develop .
9 This is to ask whether there has been time for natural selection to specify the DNA present in the human genome .
10 From the late seventeenth century there had been complaints of increasing wickedness , crime and disorder .
11 Sheikh Saad , the crown prince and prime minister , admitted that there had been abuse of human rights in the early days of the country 's liberation but implied that , with the regime back in control , all was well .
12 There had been difficulties with local planning officials .
13 A South African foreign affairs spokesman said on Jan. 5 that there had been contacts with Soviet representatives on a regular basis , " for example on the Namibian issue " , and " should we wish to pursue talks we would do so directly " , with no need for Hungarian or any other mediation .
14 There had been publicity for occasional outbursts of violence and bad language or for shocking displays of sexuality , but there had never really been a significant breakthrough in terms of outspoken social statement .
15 Sir Edmund found there had been cases of physical ill-treatment such as wall-standing , hooding , noise , deprivation of sleep , and diets of bread and water .
16 After the talks , Hanan Ashrawi , the Palestinian spokeswoman , said there had been discussion of undisclosed new proposals , but the Palestinians could not make any final decisions without further consultations among themselves and with the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Tunis .
17 In 1279 the purely clerical assemblies of both provinces made a grant to the king towards the cost of the Welsh wars , but again only after there had been discussion in diocesan assemblies .
18 There had been suggestions in early 1991 — see p. 37992 — that Gqozo was moving towards relinquishing Ciskei 's claim to sovereignty .
19 Before the end of 1891 there had been strikes against free labour at Aberdeen , Plymouth , Liverpool , Shields , Newcastle , Leith , Hull , Glasgow , Hartlepool , Middlesbrough and Swansea , all of which resulted in a weakening of the union .
20 For example , given the great emphasis on the family and monogamy in Victorian England they were delighted when they found in the work of anthropologists a statement that there had been societies with sexual freedom and no notion of the family .
21 There had been allegations of Iranian involvement in the murder in Peshawar on Oct. 3 of Lt.-Gen.
22 In early September there had been allegations by Catholic bishops in the south that government soldiers in Juba were burning homes , killing suspected SPLA sympathizers , mining roads out of the town and using civilians as human shields .
23 There had been opposition from local residents .
24 There had been indications in late 1990 that the security forces faced an upsurge in demonstrations in protest at the transmigration of non-Timorese into East Timor [ see p. 37861 ] .
25 Agitation over the Irish question had assumed the proportions of a major political threat in the 1860s , bread riots were not unknown in London in this period , and in the shadow of the second Reform Bill of 1867 there had been occasions of political violence over voting reforms .
26 The Chancellor told the Commons House Magazine : ‘ Penetrating the gloom of this last year there have been glimmers of good news .
27 As a result , there have been changes to land-clearance contracts , including the replacement of grasses by leguminous species that provide a better protective cover and enhance the nitrogen content of the soil .
28 In recent years there have been changes in educational emphasis in schools .
29 Naturally there have been pockets of Tory resistance in Labour strongholds , just as there are pockets of Labour resistance in the South .
30 In other denominations , as well as seeking to meet the social needs of those who are disadvantaged , there have been experiments with weekly joint services with the Asian community .
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