Example sentences of "what [vb -s] [be] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Prime Minister 's press conferences have become increasingly crowded over the years in what has been dubbed The Blue Hole of Calcutta .
2 His invention was one of the main forces that accelerated industrial development into what has been called the Industrial Revolution .
3 The distinction between the recreational and the educational establishments was apparent when the Revd Daniel Elsdale opened what has been called the first proper boys ' club in the poorer area of his Kennington parish in 1872 , and the following year a ‘ Youth 's Institute ’ in the more middle-class district .
4 He was elected — in absentia — as chairman of the clandestine bishop 's conference established in November 1989 , as a gesture of respect from the leaders of what has been called the largest illegal religious group .
5 Another reason for a rethink is what has been called the European dimension .
6 A clear example of the degree of common ground is what has been called the Golden Rule in the different religions .
7 In schools the assumptions of society show themselves in three ways : through what has been called the explicit , the implicit and the nul curricula .
8 Overall , these studies mark the emergence of what has been called the Georgian style , which employs bilateral symmetry , the individualization of personal space and property , and the specification of discrete elements reunited in a cohesive unity .
9 They act to reproduce what has been called the mass culture critique ( which may come equally from the political right or left , see Hebdige 1981a ) , in which the objects of mass consumption today are treated as so tainted , superficial and trite that they could not possibly be worth investigating .
10 He appears to have had a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle similar to E , but the later part of his work is filled with romance , and might seem to belong to what has been called the twelfth-century fictionalising history best exemplified by Geoffrey of Monmouth 's Historia Britonum .
11 The holistic statements in terms of institutional racism ( A ) and white power ( C ) articulate what has been called the dominant ideology thesis in the social sciences .
12 However , there have been rumblings of discontent at what has been called an unwelcome invasion of American popular culture into the heart of France .
13 Turning to what has been termed the analytical approach to materials in which the reasons for the macroscopically observed behaviour are sought in molecular configurations and other aspects of microstructure , there has been a recent acceleration of research into polymer chain configurations and their modification by stress and deformation .
14 Chunnel cynics think the high profile of the rabies defences is meant to draw attention away from the real hazards of what 's been called the longest crematorium in the world
15 Right , now , the next item is the press and we have a press officer , yeah , like to , perhaps say what 's been happening a little bit and , and you know talk about the next time .
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