Example sentences of "if we [verb] [adv prt] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we go back to the LEA , there will be less money for pupils because the central bureaucracy will gobble it up , ’ says Graham Locke , head of Audenshaw , in the Manchester borough of Tameside . ’
2 What happens if we go back to the core , and have a really close look at what should be going on ?
3 If we go back to the private 's utterance ‘ I 've been scrubbing them all morning and they wo n't come any cleaner ’ , we can relate it to these three layers as follows :
4 If we go back to the criterion of incompetence described at the outset , their actions are incompetent in the sense that they produce what they do not intend , and they do so repeatedly , even though no one is forcing them to do so .
5 The tithe maps of Halling show all the property belonging to the Bishop of Rochester , but also that of owners bordering on these lands , so if we go back to the 1633 estate map we find that lands above the Pilgrims Road and in the area around Court Farm are owned by Luson or Leveson and the 1731 map shows Marsham and R. Wood as present owners .
6 If we go back to the middle ages we had the situation of craftsmanship , where one individual was responsible for the design of what they were doing , the selection of the materials regarding what they were doing .
7 Again , if we go back to the example then it 's not too personal to then is it ?
8 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
9 If we go back to the nineteen seventies or the early eighties and look at how we developed applications we take an old language like maybe COBOL as an example .
10 If the project does not get into gear now and if we go back to the drawing board , it will be decades before we get another scheme that is worked through to the present level .
11 Now if we go back to the same example , the cost per every ten thousand for fifteen years is one pound fifty seven .
12 so then if we go back to the beginning of this discussion Mr , it must follow must it not that there is a risk , clause nine is inaccurable so as far as all names are
13 If we go back to the first few minutes , or maybe even the first few seconds , there must have been an incredibly high density of matter near that point ?
14 If we hold on to the suffering of those nearest to us , we may not be strong enough to offer any real help by lifting them from whatever is affecting them .
15 Right so if we get down to the hospital this afternoon
16 Do n't think you need actually stand in the mud , though — if we get back to the hard it will be all right . "
17 I think if we went back to the Inca ways , things would get better .
18 and they 're all pretty valid , and I can assure you that , if we allow up to a maximum of five hundred and we check out what they 're doing with it , and we put all the right s it 's not going to be money wasted .
19 The Agency 's work strategy has , has been made available to members , and erm , I think if we look back to a previous Committee , where the er , information was provided , that we had been successful .
20 While later law , for example , once familiar with trusts may have practised great toleration , if we look back to the origins of Roman trusts and their tentative beginnings with the rise of a consular jurisdiction , it does not seem at all plausible that absolutely any expression or gesture would immediately have been accepted .
21 If we look back to the middle years of the nineteenth century and to the debates about the extension of the franchise to the working class then hopes were expressed as to how voters should behave at the same time as there was anxiety and fear as to how they would actually behave .
22 If we move on to the main agenda .
23 The road was just as wide as the Tri-Pacer , and fearing a truck would not see us if we pulled off to the side , we left the aircraft sitting in the middle of the road .
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