Example sentences of "if you only [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But if you only had a small place it 'd be more economical to have labour than it would to buy paying out thousands of pounds for machines and
2 In addition , there are the drawbacks you may face if you only receive the basic pension as your husband 's dependant .
3 On the other hand , if you only use the present tense — ‘ I am now bursting with health ’ , while you have raging ‘ flu — your subconscious might believe this is your idea of good health , and do nothing !
4 If you only get a few ideas , you 've only got a few things to look at .
5 All are welcome no matter if you only have a small plot .
6 £50000 does not go very far in TV , except on one or two small regional stations ; it is quite difficult , as the cigarette companies find , to spend £1 million plus on a brand without using TV at all : if you only have a few hundred pounds to spend there are few press media in which you can consider full pages or even moderately large sizes .
7 Indeed , if you only define the four page margins and the paper size you have effectively started to design the grid .
8 I 'm not quite sure the Labour Party 's picked that out and I may be unfair to them in s it 's not enough if you only see a regional policy d just development and economic led .
9 For example , if you only specify a single mirror you can draw shapes that are symmetrical about a line — like a vase or light bulb etc .
10 Well if you did i if you only did the two nights you 'd be co and the sailing is on
11 If you only want the bloody music , whe I , what 's the point of taping in the first place !
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