Example sentences of "if you go [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 You know , I wonder what would happen , if you went along to the Norfolk Street Police Station and said , will you please give us the name of our local policeman .
2 And then you had yuppies , but nobody mixed , and the feeling , if you went down to the Turkish
3 But if you look at the sixty five and add on the twelve , it 's er seventy seven and of course if you go on to the actuarial figures actually get better as you get older in terms of actual lifespan .
4 So , security guard came over , and if you go up to the next stop , bus , you could come in with them .
5 erm Turner replied , ‘ If you go up to the top of Mount Edgecombe , and look at the ships against the light , with the setting sun behind them , you will realise that one can not distinguish the portholes . ’
6 Robbie , if you go over to the drawer , look , the top one on the left , there are some photos , there should be one of Janet .
7 you will be expected to have done some research , done some preparation before coming along to the lesson , if you go along to the lesson not having done that , you will be able to play back certain tips from what the other people say , but you will not er , you will find that
8 IF YOU go down to the beach today you 're sure of a big surprise .
9 If you go down to the woods today , make sure it 's not the Forest Of Dean .
10 Nowadays , Saint-Jean deals chiefly in the large if unappetizing tuna and the extremely appetizing but , compared with the whale , somewhat trivial catch , of anchovies ; but it is a town that smells very satisfactorily of brine and can be loud with the engines of trawlers if you go down to the harbour at the right moment .
11 But if you go down to the woods today you wo n't get a big surprise , because as boars have a tendency to charge at people they 're being kept in by an electric fence .
12 If you go down to the woods today , prepare for a big surprise .
13 If you go down to the woods today
14 Because if you go down to the shop it 's a thir a ten , a ten , ten pesetas
15 If you go back to the time United Biscuits felt they had to close their Liverpool factory , the bishops up in Liverpool marched on Hector Laing and tried to persuade him to put the decision off .
16 If you go back to the original manufacturer , they may well be able to help you out or at least recommend someone that can .
17 If you go back to the ‘ fifties and ‘ sixties , there were a few killers around like this one .
18 If you go back to the doctor for another prescription , ’ Kathy told her , ‘ we 'll only have to go through this again later .
19 So if you go back to the sort of where we gave it five or six headings yeah or three to six headings you should be aiming say well I 'll input a bit of information on that side of it and at the end of that little section I 'll build in some practice in participation and the participation can be any of those ones you 've put in there on that list you gave us early on er practical allocations
20 That is if you go back to the Kinsey sort of stuff about sexuality um you find that well I 've I 've stuck a quote from Kinsey et al there um that back in the 1950's there was er y'know with with ah academics like Kinsey attempting to study sexuality erm I suppose there was often er a .
21 Um if you go back to the eighteenth century , early nineteenth century , you find that um I think it was at er Winchester possibly , er some some of you may have heard of this in in History or something , er there was an uprising at Winchester school and the Army had to be called in to quell the rioting pupils because they were rebelling against the harsh conditions .
22 erm if you go back to the nineteen thirties , for example , depression , love on the dole , deferral of marriage , potential husbands killed in the first World War , low birthrate , small families , below the level that would replace the population in future , and many of the Wartime and late War reports erm the Royal Commission on population , which reported in forty nine , suggested that population may stagnate , round about forty million plus , even decline to about thirty million .
23 Of course , and if you go back to the answer Beana was giving , even within a country if you try if we try and solve other people 's problems , one is very likely , if not always , to end up with those sorts of difficulties .
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