Example sentences of "if i [vb past] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did not think He would mind this , especially if I made the whole thing into a sort of combined barby stroke burnt sacrifice .
2 They 've given me an elbow crutch , and I can make the journey perfectly well now , if I thought the blasted train would stay on the lines , but there 's not much I could do once I got to Moila , is there , if I ca n't walk ?
3 If I heard the hon. Gentleman correctly , he suggested that redundancy pay for displaced miners was excessively generous .
4 I found that if I imbibed the medicinal stimulant too quickly , the pace of creative work ( and the typing ) slowed down , and it took me some weeks of careful experimentation to find the most efficacious ration .
5 I doubt if I had the necessary day or so to spare .
6 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
7 ‘ They said it would be all right if I had the serial numbers but I do n't think they expected me back , ’ she said .
8 You see if I had the original identification I could at least match it up against a description . ’
9 It might have looked as if I wanted the bloody money ! ’
10 Perhaps it would help if I explained the complicated process by which the Journal is produced .
11 I do n't know if I did the right thing , either .
12 ‘ I do n't care if I hit the wrong building
13 ‘ I do n't care if I hit the wrong building .
14 With my luck , Ginny , I 'd lose if I backed the only filly in a one horse race , ’ Mark told her , suddenly conscious of the fact that his speech was beginning to slur .
15 If I held the winning ticket this would definitely be my Single Of The Week .
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