Example sentences of "if it [verb] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But he had been very kind to her the past few weeks , and she knew he was right , that the showing would be a fiasco if it went on this way .
2 If it happens to both machines it 's obvious the common factor is you , yourself . ’
3 A succession of full chords for wind and horns bears a rather oppressive resemblance to the sound of a harmonium if it continues for many bars without relief .
4 It looks as if it belongs in some fairy-tale . ’
5 If it crosses over that line , being mad will turn into being a lawsuit . ’
6 There must be some height , call it h , such that an animal would just break its neck if it fell from that height , but would just survive if it fell from a slightly lower height .
7 Notice that a convention is normally followed in which the current at a terminal is regarded as positive if it flows into that terminal .
8 For example , if the notion of human rights is a meaningful one ( itself in hot dispute ) , and if it extends to all humans , including the severely and terminally brain-damaged , then how could we logically fail to extend the notion to at least some animals ?
9 All chemical reactions were in a sense an expression of this principle ; and if it seemed in some case that the weights of the reactants and the products were unequal , then the chemist must have missed something .
10 This claim is not a conscious , spoken claim ; if it gets to that stage , we have already left it too late .
11 Presumably we shall have a good chew at the clause in Committee , but if it remains in that form we shall certainly be unable to support the Bill on Third Reading .
12 ‘ If the spirit continues to live after the death of the body , ’ he said to himself , ‘ is it so very surprising if it remains in this world for a time ? ’
13 If it amounts to some sort of ‘ machine privacy ’ , is that at all suggestive for the question of consciousness ?
14 Nor does the familiar bogy of the French Minister of Education , said to know exactly what every child at school is learning that minute , when he looks at his watch , seem so very alarming even if it conformed in any way with the truth .
15 Very often people are almost haunted by one particular experience and they think to themselves , ‘ Oh no , I could n't stand it if it happened like that again' .
16 Is it correct to claim , as Marsh does , that aggression is ‘ the inflicting of physical hurt ’ with its associated aim of ‘ subduing or achieving dominance over a rival ’ ( 1978 : 33 ) or should one follow Eibl-Eibesfeldt 's broader definition and classify behaviour as aggressive ‘ if it leads to another party 's being hurt ; this includes not just physical hurt ( injury or destruction ) but any kind of hurt , including annoyance , taunts or insults ’ ( 1978 : 29 ) ?
17 If you are not feeling as well as you did at the beginning of the week , go back to the Stage I diet for two or three days ; your weight should fall again if it rose during this week .
18 Well you 're not gon na get , be able to get marks if it comes to that son !
19 ‘ This piece was n't meant to denigrate feminism , and if it comes across that way , I think I failed . ’
20 If it comes across any orifices , holes , crypts , or glands , it will , however , gladly occupy these , and there may then be a degree of tissue destruction .
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