Example sentences of "if it [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 According to this , we can best assess the intrinsic value of something if we ask how good or bad a thing it would be if it existed in complete isolation .
2 What could be more sensible than the suggestion that the best way of evaluating a thing for its very own self , and not for its effects or its contribution to the value of larger wholes , is to consider what value it would possess if it existed in complete isolation ?
3 FRANCE and Germany pledged yesterday to defend the French franc if it came under further attack from speculators , but they dismissed suggestions that they might link their two currencies in a mini monetary union .
4 If it came to straightforward riot control , the most appropriate force would probably be the 12,000-strong People 's Police Alert units , under the control of the ministry of the interior .
5 If it came to constitutional change , he would prefer it to involve the introduction of direct presidential elections — no doubt hoping that the first directly elected president would be none other than himself .
6 If it came to unknown backgrounds , after all , no one seemed to know too much about Wheeler 's .
7 But he had been very kind to her the past few weeks , and she knew he was right , that the showing would be a fiasco if it went on this way .
8 If it passes on lower costs to its customers in the form of lower prices it may be open to the accusation of behaving in a predatory fashion .
9 If it happens to both machines it 's obvious the common factor is you , yourself . ’
10 If it results in young Pardy being charged with a lesser offence , Deanes will be highly satisfied .
11 Specifically , a stricture in ulcerative colitis is more likely to be malignant ( 1 ) if it occurs after 20 years of duration of the disease , ( 2 ) if it is located proximal to the splenic flexure , and ( 3 ) if it presents with obstructive symptoms .
12 Behavioural : Changes in values so that other people 's behaviour that would previously not have been accepted becomes progressively more tolerated if it relates to addictive disease .
13 But a Washington court could stop the launch today , if it agrees with anti-nuclear activists that the space probe 's plutonium generators are unsafe , writes Mark Champion .
14 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
15 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
16 A succession of full chords for wind and horns bears a rather oppressive resemblance to the sound of a harmonium if it continues for many bars without relief .
17 A proposal for the reform of the Italian railway network advocated the dismissal of the board if it failed for two years running to achieve performance targets ( Santoro 1985 ) , and the Spanish Socialist government has similarly toyed with the idea of sacking unsuccessful chairmen ( Tamames 1983 : 371 ) .
18 It may be exempted under Article 85(3) if it contributes to improving production or distribution of goods or promoting technical or economic progress while allowing consumers a fair share of the resulting benefit .
19 Specifically , a stricture in ulcerative colitis is more likely to be malignant ( 1 ) if it occurs after 20 years of duration of the disease , ( 2 ) if it is located proximal to the splenic flexure , and ( 3 ) if it presents with obstructive symptoms .
20 It looks as if it belongs in some fairy-tale . ’
21 If it goes at different times , it 's a different consignment .
22 If it crosses over that line , being mad will turn into being a lawsuit . ’
23 Clearly it would be difficult to justify a dual system of justice if it led to certain types of people being more easily convicted , for the whole concept of the rule of law was to tip the balance of power away from the accusing state to the accused individual because it was rightly felt a too one-sided contest without such protection .
24 There must be some height , call it h , such that an animal would just break its neck if it fell from that height , but would just survive if it fell from a slightly lower height .
25 Notice that a convention is normally followed in which the current at a terminal is regarded as positive if it flows into that terminal .
26 For example , if the notion of human rights is a meaningful one ( itself in hot dispute ) , and if it extends to all humans , including the severely and terminally brain-damaged , then how could we logically fail to extend the notion to at least some animals ?
27 All chemical reactions were in a sense an expression of this principle ; and if it seemed in some case that the weights of the reactants and the products were unequal , then the chemist must have missed something .
28 A company will be adversely affected if it suffers from low employee morale , for example .
29 The other is ease of exit from the industry , not just by a company if it gets into financial difficulties and is forced to leave , but also by any particular customer .
30 Guy 's bacteriologist Dr Norman Simmons said last night : ‘ If it gets into surgical wounds it can cause infections and blood poisoning . ’
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