Example sentences of "if [indef pn] want [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's all very well for all the major computer manufacturers to say that all the money is in software and services these days , and that hardware is a commodity business , but if no-one wants to make the hardware , there 's no industry .
2 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
3 If nobody wants to work the land — well go round by the villa .
4 If one wants to explore the possibilities of Europe 's political future , one needs therefore to examine the development of European culture .
5 Sir : If one wants to understand the reasons for growing public concern about the police one need look no further than the letter from the Police Federation ( 28 September ) .
6 If one wants to increase the output of trained social workers or teachers one can reduce the length of their training and dilute its standard , but this will conflict with the need for more specialized staff for the more specialized needs and problems that better services reveal .
7 Plot the two variables in figure 10.2 the other way round from the plot in figure 10.3 , as if one wanted to predict the mortality rate from the chronic sickness rate .
8 Thus , for example , if one wanted to study the reactions of women readers of romantic novels to a change in the cover design of a series of books , a group of , say , eight women of varying ages and social classes could be got together either in a house or in a discussion room at a research agency and a trained discussion leader would ask questions of them about their reading interests and , generally speaking , what they expect romantic novels to look like .
9 ‘ Of course , ’ the Doctor had said , and the memory of his voice was so real that she almost heard the words in her ears , ‘ if anyone wanted to infiltrate the TARDIS with any kind of intelligence , from a virus to an entire computer , they 'd only have to plug a cable into the socket under the console .
10 You do n't get much lower than that , Nick , and if anyone wants to kick the balls of the people who put her there , then those are my guys . ’
11 If anyone wants to judge the competence of government in industry they only have to look at the results of our nationalised companies as a guide .
12 If anyone wants to borrow the core brief , they 're welcome to do so .
13 Course manager Jack Bennett said : ‘ The going could be described as choppy , and if anyone wants to know the prospects I suggest they contact the coastguard ! ’
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