Example sentences of "if [indef pn] [vb past] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was in a state of minor shock , as if someone had kicked the chocks away .
2 Anyhow if someone did see the match Id be interested to hear what happened possession wise during the match … who was in control etc .
3 If one wished to adopt the approach of a limited express remedy with no exclusion of liability , one would retain cl 10 ( except for cl 10.6 ) and delete the phrases in square brackets in cl 5.1 and the whole of cll 1 , 5.2 and 5.3 .
4 Plot the two variables in figure 10.2 the other way round from the plot in figure 10.3 , as if one wanted to predict the mortality rate from the chronic sickness rate .
5 Thus , for example , if one wanted to study the reactions of women readers of romantic novels to a change in the cover design of a series of books , a group of , say , eight women of varying ages and social classes could be got together either in a house or in a discussion room at a research agency and a trained discussion leader would ask questions of them about their reading interests and , generally speaking , what they expect romantic novels to look like .
6 if anybody had seen the driver Jack Mills in the weeks after the robbery , as I did , they would have no admiration for these people
7 If anyone failed to attend the muster , heavy fines and punishments could be imposed .
8 The constable took out his notebook , and asked if anyone had witnessed the incident .
9 Yesterday she went to several of her neighbours ' houses to ask if anyone had seen the incident or knew who was behind it .
10 If anyone had searched the site , they would surely have found the tokens for they were only down an inch or two .
11 ‘ Of course , ’ the Doctor had said , and the memory of his voice was so real that she almost heard the words in her ears , ‘ if anyone wanted to infiltrate the TARDIS with any kind of intelligence , from a virus to an entire computer , they 'd only have to plug a cable into the socket under the console .
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