Example sentences of "if [indef pn] [was/were] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The world got clearer , as if someone were twiddling the focus of her retinae .
2 Even if someone were to leave the Department , or drop dead-even if you were to , what 's the expression , take out a contract on one of us ’ — he laughs to show that this is a joke , displaying a number of chipped and discoloured teeth , set in his gums at odd angles , like tombstones in a neglected churchyard — ‘ even then , I very much doubt whether we should get a replacement .
3 After walking for some time , having covered about half the distance between the two stations , Willie became aware of a steady , yet rather unnerving sound just ahead as if someone was hammering the rails .
4 In the light of facts like these , if one were to judge the issue on purely practical grounds alone , sarvodaya would appear to be a more dignified and humane doctrine .
5 On the other hand , if one were to take the Stiglitz line ( 1985 ) , things would not be as clear-cut .
6 If one were writing the history of Western Europe in the period from about 330 to about 700 ad , there would , inevitably , be two major themes .
7 If one were asked the question what are the four chief characteristics of the Suffolk horse ? the answer would certainly be — colour , quality , compactness and hardy constitution . ’
8 If one were to pursue the analogy with Freud rigorously , Althusser is even suggesting here that the primacy of the economic ( ego ) is a delusion , and that the superstructure ( unconscious ) is the more fundamental determining force , or at the very least that they are equally overdetermined .
9 ‘ I do n't know if it should be that important if everything we do is based on good sound scientific principles , because if people perhaps in the same industry are situated in different places in the estuary , y'know , if one was to point the finger at the other and say ‘ But you allow him to discharge such and such and you only let us do this ’ , then we should be able to turn round and say , ‘ Ah yes , but you 're discharging in a different place and the river quality in this different place needs different treatment . ’
10 IF ONE was to pose the question , when is a retirement not a retirement , Chris Evert might have the answer .
11 In fact , if one was to query the evidence on the concentration of media ownership , as Tunstall does , then its validity is further undermined .
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