Example sentences of "if [pers pn] can [be] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 A system can be designed much more economically if it can be assumed that skilled personnel are available to control and take care of it .
2 The random selection of cases is an approximation to experimental randomisation if it can be assumed that the population from which the sample is drawn is homogeneous : a reasonable assumption when dealing with a population of seeds , plants , germs , etc .
3 Any given rise in unemployment in the winter months , therefore , can only be shown to be significant if it can be demonstrated that the rise is over and above that which is normally expected at that time of year .
4 According to SSAP 8 , to the extent there is no deferred tax liability , an ACT asset may only be shown in the accounts if it can be demonstrated that there will be sufficient profits in the next 12 months to enable the surplus to be recovered against the corporation tax thereon , bearing in mind anticipated dividends .
5 This is acceptable only if it can be demonstrated that the method gives a reasonable approximation of the actual cost .
6 For example , if it is thought that an error of law or fact or a breach of natural justice should justify quashing only if it can be said that but for the error or breach the decision would have been different , this should be built into the definition of the relevant ground of review and not dealt with as a matter of remedial discretion .
7 Even if it can be said that , in the course of his duty , a policeman will become hardened to certain sorts of ritual taunts and insults , there is no reason to doubt that he can also experience harassment and distress .
8 But if it can be proven that overfishing of sand-eel is the principal cause of the problem , we can only hope that remedial action can be taken before it is too late for our important sea-bird colonies to recover .
9 ‘ Your vassals will come to you for justice , and you can not expect them to accept your judgement if it can be seen that you hold the Yasa in contempt . ’
10 The payment will only be permitted if it can be seen that its purpose is to benefit the company .
11 In addition , if the offeror fails to redeem preference shares on the due date there is no right to damages and an action for specific performance will only be available if it can be established that the offeror has sufficient distributable profits to meet the cost of the redemption ( CA 1985 , s178 ) .
12 He is unlikely to be satisfied with an offer to re-run the reselection procedure if it can be proved that there have been any serious breaches of the party 's rules .
13 A Go-Kart is in a similar position , but both a dumper truck and a Go-Kart can become ‘ motor vehicles ’ if it can be proved that they have been adapted or intended for use on roads .
14 If it can be proved that the pillion passenger knew the driver was only a learner the passenger would most likely commit the offence of aiding and abetting the learner to carry an unlicensed passenger .
15 Legally , however , it seems that if it can be proved that Mr Fuchs spent above and beyond the municipally approved budget of DFl.12 million without authorisation , then he may be held personally responsible for the losses .
16 If it can be proved that the pattern exists , then there is a strong possibility that by tracing this pattern , certain locations will be revealed to which the metal detectorist would be well-advised to direct his search .
17 If , however , he has oral sex with her and she is 16 years old or more , he can be liable for the offence of indecent assault only if it can be proved that she did not consent .
18 The victim may have an action for malicious falsehood , however , if it can be proved that the untrue statement was made spitefully , dishonestly or recklessly , and that it has in fact caused financial loss .
19 I do n't see any reason why they should n't be able to sue i if it can be proved that er the employer has caused undue stress on on an employee .
20 The trial is of national importance if it can be proved that seriously injured patients taken directly to a trauma unit have a better chance of survival , the policy is likely to be adopted in other parts of the country .
21 A second possible way in which the existence of A-X and B-Y associations might facilitate the discrimination between A and B follows if it can be allowed that different associations might differ in the ease with which they are remembered .
22 If it can be claimed that the young men who spend a short time in a school before moving on provide the vitality , it is equally true that those who devote their whole lives to a single school give the continuity , tradition , and wisdom which are equally , if not more , important .
23 Courses of treatment vary from one to seven days and although it is always preferable to examine the male sexual partner of an infected woman , because of the difficulties of making the diagnosis in men it is sometimes justifiable to treat the male without confirming the diagnosis , particularly if it can be shown that reinfection has taken place .
24 If permission is refused to a Part I application , no direct compensation is paid , but it may well be possible to compel the local authority to purchase the property compulsorily if it can be shown that the property has no reasonable beneficial use .
25 Even if Article 85 ( 1 ) applies to particular agreements or arrangements , if it can be shown that they benefit the production or distribution of goods or services so that the consumer benefits outweigh the restrictions on competition in the agreement , they may be exempt pursuant to Article 85(3) .
26 Bishop David Sheppard raises the question , ‘ If it can be shown that visible response to the Church is on a totally different scale in working-class areas from middle-class areas , who can we blame ? ’
27 Lakatos 's theory gains support if it can be shown that episodes in the history of science , that have been inexplicable in terms of rival methodologies , are explicable in terms of the methodology of research programmes .
28 In general even if it can be shown that one particular dichotic testing procedure can lead to an accurate prediction of the side of speech representation it does not logically follow that other procedures are equally valid or even tap the same processes .
29 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
30 Thus the tendency is to concentrate an analysis of the concept of existence or that of truth around the use of predicates such as " exists ( exist ) " and " true " , and their cognates ; the idea being that if it can be shown that such predicates can be paraphrased out of the relevant contexts by employing a different type of idiom , then there is little that remains to be said about the concepts .
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