Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [be] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If I am wearing a pure white carnation I am best avoided on that day because it means I am in a bad mood , ’ he said , adding that he always warns new acquaintances of this fact but has as yet not lived up to the threat .
2 If I am painting a small picture which includes figures , I often start with no preliminary line but go straight in , blocking in the face and body , changing the colour as I go .
3 If I were wearing a next-to-nothing nightie and he was sitting on my bed , I 'd be having serious trouble breathing too !
4 Erm and , and very enjoyable days they were , but erm I think if I were to plan a big party , or an anniversary or something like that , and I 'd hope those would be jolly enjoyable days too .
5 It 's the sort of ’ You stupid boy , stop trying to drown yourself ’ speech I can imagine I would deliver if I were dragging a recalcitrant lad back to land .
6 If I were to use a fine grained canvas the paint would become thick and unworkable .
7 I would not want to change even if I were offered a British-sounding voice .
8 If I were interviewing a new act , I would try to ascertain their sheer punishment factor .
9 If I was designing a one-off house , I would make acoustics a priority , because noise is one of the most harrowing problems of contemporary living .
10 I love a piece of orange , I I would n't eat a whole orange but I do like er little pieces of oranges now I might get away with that but if I was to have a whole orange
11 So if I was working a full week , Sunday to Sunday , the next day would be my rest day , and the next week , it would be a Tuesday .
12 I might if I was running a coronary ambulance .
13 He 'd walk me home from school and it 's often said that he carried my ballet shoes , which sounds kind of romantic , but he actually did sometimes , if I was carrying a whole load of things .
14 I , I do n't know , I certainly would n't rely on just a sales brochure if I was making a major trans
15 if I 'm giving a single ear piece , cos they wo n't be quiet , otherwise they will get lost that way
16 Unless people are free to say ‘ I do n't think it 's good enough ’ , ‘ I do n't feel as if I 'm doing a good enough job ’ , and ‘ I do n't have a clear idea of how to do it better ’ , teacher-generated and teacher-appropriated change will not happen .
17 If I 'm doing a classical play she ca n't go on , but she 's good with the commoner stuff .
18 I 've always got on well with adults , but it 's only now that I 'm starting to get on with my own generation , and I realise that I have to do that if I 'm to become a whole person .
19 ‘ Do I look as if I 'm having a hard time ?
20 you know , if she 's covering a whole area .
21 If she is severely disturbed emotionally , above the level normally expected in bereavement , and if she can not sleep , he may prescribe tranquillisers and a night sedative ; but this will usually be only for a limited period to help her over a particularly bad patch , as he will not want her to become addicted to these drugs , which if taken for too long may delay the normal grieving process which she will need to experience if she is to make a satisfactory recovery .
22 I am resigned to being addressed by the new name of Pax-Wanxie , but if she is to become a mere conduit of the Paxford philosophy it will be a very great bore .
23 Commonsense told her that her safety and her sanity could only be assured if she were to put a considerable distance between herself and the cottage .
24 After many years of steady stage and television work , it was as if she were exploring a rich new emotional seam in her work .
25 Puts on airs as if she were running a literary salon . ’
26 Her scrunched up face made her look as if she was wearing a perpetual mirthless grin .
27 My wife 'd be a lot better off if she was getting a proper wage for her housework , then she 'd have to bloody well do it properly . ’
28 If you are buying a new heater , showroom staff should be able to advise on this .
29 If you are buying a 12 volt chime , you 'll need to use special bulbs in the bell push .
30 If you are using a frozen turkey , make sure that it has thoroughly defrosted before cooking .
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