Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] [that] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If I learn that any man went missing today he 'll need to satisfy me where he was . ’
2 In this case you should apply to Christine no fewer than three days in advance , and she may reset your card if she feels that this action is justified .
3 If you put that that way you 'll have chair stuck out .
4 Now if you cast your mind back to when we started the er discussion I did say I would talk about refer erm recommendations to you if you felt that this meeting had been of some benefit to yourself
5 Er it 's , it 's hard to think of an example but something like if , if you thought that this street lighting was n't adequate and you were concerned that the , it could affect the crime levels in your area .
6 You could leave them behind so much more easily , to get on with the present , if you knew that some day you were going to return .
7 If you consider that such-and-such crime has not been committed , or that such-and-such defence is not available ( though an ignorant person might think it is ) , do not pass it by in silence but state your opinion expressly .
8 Please could you let us know if you consider that this injury may affect our client 's working capacity and , if so , for how long .
9 If you think that this assignment is , is sort of preferable to the ones that you 've been looking , you could all choose this one , you 'll have to do some recording like the others on your own machines , but you could
10 Right in the course of our er er com our meetings Danny erm I will be asking you to recommend me to people but if , but only if you feel that this meeting has been of some benefit to you .
11 I I do suggest that if you feel that some easing is required that er you could specifically refer to exceptions that will be set out er in local plans .
12 Particularly if you discover that that child did n't have a bad characteristic in their in their ego before this event occurred , and so on .
13 If you find that this expansion is really necessary for the same sub-topic on several occasions , you may be sure this is an important and perhaps developing aspect of the subject , and therefore one deserving more than normal attention .
14 The answer is not difficult , if we remember that each meeting of the Assembly was different in composition from all others ; personal oratory and ascendancy , not party organization , decided the issues , and that is why the absence of Kimon mattered so much : he would have given his usual speech on the ‘ special relationship ’ with Sparta , urging that nothing be done to the Athenian constitution to which oligarchic Sparta would take mortal offence .
15 If we assume that this ratio is stable and repeat our earlier point that banks will normally be looking to expand their lending as a source of profit , then it follows fairly obviously that a change in the availability of base money to banks must be matched by a change in the size of the total balance sheet and that this latter change must be some multiple of the change in the size of the base .
16 If we pretend that that system will bring stability , and if people make commercial judgements in that belief , we will condemn them to bankruptcy , illusion and disappointment .
17 No sorry , I only put , well you got one I suppose if they know that this rap thing wo n't last long
18 The OFT investigates complaints if it appears that these trade associations are not following their own guidelines and , as a final sanction , the OFT can withdraw its endorsement .
19 The dilemma of those who evoke consciousness as the basis of phenomena was succinctly stated by Ronnie Knox in his limerick on idealism : There once was a man who said " God Must think it exceedingly odd If he finds that this tree Continues to be When there 's no one about in the Quad . "
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