Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb base] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I put er er if I put the first letter of it , er er it 's S that 'll search it and it 'll say Sarah work
2 If you control the first link in the food chain — the seed — you are well on the way to controlling the whole food chain .
3 But you would n't have C command , I mean that if you take the first structure in seven , that 's just the one in T three .
4 But it , yeah , I mean I quite take all of these qualifications but if sh if you take the first couple of paragraphs does n't it seem to be a call to , to radical land reform ?
5 The position is , looking at appendix one , and if you take the first triangle , which has got nineteen ninety three , ninety four below it , that 's showing that we started off with no clients , and then by the end of the year we expect to have a number of people in our care , receiving services , to which we have a degree of commitment .
6 And I said , if you take the first dose tonight .
7 So if you like the first quarter will probable it 'll be pro rata that 's going to be less because it 's it 's only part of .
8 So , if you play the first version , those Brownies with more than one egg should give their ‘ spare ’ ones to those who have n't got one .
9 Strach said before the match ‘ if we get the first goal , then there 's only gon na be one winner ’ — fair enough , but you 've got to get the first goal .
10 If we take the first sentence of extract ( I ) as S , and present it below as ( 2a ) , we can also present the negation of S , as ( 2b ) , and the logical presupposition , S' , as ( 2c ) .
11 The celebrations that marked United 's third major Cup — four if you count the European Super Cup — in two calendar years could just be a rehearsal if they land the First Division title in the next three weeks .
12 When cooking with the children we want to finish with something eatable , so we are likely to add the liquid carefully ourselves , but we could let children experiment with the play-dough and if they make the first lot too soggy , more flour and salt can be added without much trouble until they make a ‘ workable ’ dough , and there can be plenty of conversation about too much , too little , a little more , a lot more and enough .
13 you know , if they want the first day , then there gon na have to do another lot so what 's the point of sort of yourself out with fucking , I was n't really sure at the time that I wanted to go to so , you know , I , I said no I needed this job , but probably a bad I 've been offered a couple of month one 's as well , one month and two month 's , but I mean the trouble is
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