Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb past] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
2 During the fifties ignorance about Black people was rife : I remember being asked on many occasions , as a child , if I had lived in the jungle , if my parents ate cat food or even people .
3 She says the worst thing she can remember was the outside loo and having to get out a lantern if you wanted to go in the night and go out there with all the cobwebs and strange shadows .
4 If you wanted to join in the fun , it was essential to find something to beat with a stick — an old tin tray , an empty box or tin , even a piece of plywood — the instruments were legion — no matter as long as they created noise .
5 Maintaining initial capital intact would be useless if you wanted to remain in the same business .
6 For example , if we had assumed in the above model that where is a fraction , then the optimum value for γ 2 would be a complex function of and .
7 In the end Leeds could have had 4–5 … if they 'd scored in the first half it could have been 10 ! !
8 She began to be uncertain whether she would be able to recognise him ; she tried out her set of mental snapshots , but they were dim and amorphous , as if they 'd rubbed in the wallet of her fantasy for too long .
9 The Parliamentary majority in favour of including women was still small and as Martin Pugh has commented , ‘ when one remembers that the 1918 Act actually enfranchised boys of nineteen if they had served in the forces , the limit on women [ to those of thirty years of age or over ] was almost an insult ’ .
10 The governors of royal colonies , appointed by the king , were expected to maintain a rather dignified and aloof attitude and it was thought that they might find it hard to do this if they had lived in the colony as subordinates or as private citizens in the past .
11 If they had stayed in the flat …
12 He had raised his glass civilly enough in recognition of Vernon 's presence whenever their eyes had met across the floral displays , and he had always been very effusive if they chanced to meet in the queue for the cloakroom or on the pavement outside the State Restaurant , but he had held his distance in mixed company , had never introduced him , for instance , to Mrs Harcourt .
13 And they had been asked if they wanted to stay in the fort , since more soldiers had now been put into it , but they thought , since they could n't fight , they would rather go and hide with their people .
14 The EC Commissioner , Sir Leon Brittan , warned that the UK would be damaged and isolated if it failed to participate in the treaty .
15 These more loyal long service employees had an intuitive feeling that the division would ultimately go out of business in the UK if it continued to operate in the way it had behaved over the previous ten years .
16 Whereas if it got torn in the hand painted days then you 're talking a long length of time .
17 His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends .
18 Opponents point out that it is highly unlikely that the prototype tiger would have needed to develop stripes if it had originated in the open spaces of the barren and chilly north .
19 She would have preferred it if he had remained in the living-room .
20 If he had played in the match he would have been the least accurate driver , the player missing the most greens in regulation and the worst bunker player on the team .
21 The same thing always happened to him at school if he was brought out to the front of the hall for talking in assembly , or if he had to stand in the aisle with his hands on his head for not paying attention in class .
22 If he 'd started in the early ‘ thirties , when we were courting and when the Depression was really biting , then he 'd have done all right .
23 If he wanted to join in the group , then he could . '
24 Shah said he wrote to Knighton when his offer to buy out the shareholding of United 's chief executive , Martin Edwards , was first made public , and received a phone call last Friday from Knighton , who asked him if he wanted to participate in the deal .
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