Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] been [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd been seen popping in and out of Ramillies Drive , tongues would inevitably have begun to wag .
2 I would have thought how stupid it was if I 'd been made do it .
3 Probably I could have done quite a bit better if I 'd been forced to work , because if I 'm not , I 'm not so bothered to do the work .
4 If I 'd been planning to abandon you , as you so melodramatically put it , I 'd have made a much better job of it .
5 If I had been asked to decorate a flat to reflect McIllvanney 's character then I would have given him an East Belfast bar with sawdust scattered on the floor , King Billy strutting on the walls , and blood splattered across its tobacco-stained ceiling .
6 ‘ I think if I had been allowed to go on , there would still be a British film industry , ’ Forbes said in the late 1980s .
7 But of her job as Minister of Health she said : ‘ If I had been forced to pick any job it would have been this one . ’
8 Rachel 's heart skipped a beat at her first sight of him and if she had been trying to delude herself that David had asked her along purely for the sake of her new friends she was forced to dismiss it as his gaze met hers .
9 Right leg bent double , knee red from impact , a scatter of dark soil across her calf , as if she had been trying to run even as she fell .
10 She smiled back then looked away quickly as if she had been caught doing something wrong .
11 He wondered if dry eyes might also be a symbolic message about weeping and tears so asked her if she had been allowed to cry as a child .
12 Of course , if she had been going to get there in time for the beginning , she should have rushed back straight away , out upset at such times was the very worst thing for her mother and it would upset her to think that Peony wanted to go out immediately she 'd got in .
13 Suzi was never going to backpack round the world or become a rock star , and if she had been forced to go and live away from home — to study nursing , for instance — she 'd have mouldered away from homesickness .
14 A sight to get the taste buds going … especially if you 've been sleeping rough the night before .
15 If you 've been meaning to see a few West End shows , why not try a theatre package from a company like Forte Hotels ( 0345–543555 ) ?
16 If you have been told to aim for a very precise figure , or have been following conventional height-to-weight charts , then you are almost definitely trying for an unrealistic weight .
17 If you have been nominated to respond to an SPR , this option enables you to accept responsibility for the SPR or to pass it on to another user .
18 If you have been meaning to knit with the garter carriage , why not try something very simple ?
19 We have won the City 's support to raise the money , as we did for Staley and our other North American acquisitions — and as we would have done if we had been allowed to buy British Sugar . ’
20 IF ONE HAD been going to cast anyone in the title role of a movie called Little Big Man , there would not have been many actors in Hollywood one could have thought of besides Dustin Hoffman .
21 It can hardly be one 's fault if one has been preordained to rob a bank .
22 ‘ It 's almost as if they 've been told to keep their distance . ’
23 He and his friends would have seen that if they 'd been allowed to talk for a bit .
24 The nice people are still there to enjoy the music , although perhaps not as much as if they 'd been allowed to express themselves and some of the nasty people are beginning to appreciate the actual music .
25 It was nearly a year since Dunkirk , and if they 'd been going to come , surely they 'd not have waited this long .
26 Those who understood this might leave a swatch of fabric lying around so that Laura could pick it up and believe she had discovered it herself , even if they had been trying to persuade her to use it for months .
27 The machines hummed and snick-snicked as if they had been warned to keep their voices down .
28 Several times he witnessed strokes which would have killed or maimed if they had been allowed to connect with flesh and bone .
29 Research conducted by NASA-Ames has shown that crews flying long sectors were more alert during approach and landing if they had been allowed to nap while cruising .
30 I looked more closely at his cheeks , and saw that they looked as if they had been rubbed to get them red .
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