Example sentences of "all [verb] by [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These are all justified by the dramatic context Orpheus 's happiness as he sings to the shepherds , his effort to impress Charon , his triumph as he marches off to fetch Eurydice — but they also gave the audience music to remember .
2 ‘ We 're all fascinated by the dark side , ’ said Oscar-winner Anthony Hopkins , 54 .
3 They are all designed by a human programmer , and so is the geography of the labyrinth .
4 Retail banking , insurance , property , shipping , communications , and retailing , for example , are all dominated by a small number of giant enterprises .
5 And sometimes it 's all done by the same company .
6 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that the level of investment is most of all decided by the real rate of interest ?
7 What all supplied by the Norwegian government ?
8 What and they 're all supplied by the Norwegian government ?
9 She liked sitting there alone , listening to the silence of the sleeping house , the night noises outdoors — a barking dog , a car starting up — all measured by the ticking clock .
10 Members are all recognised by the Royal Yachting Association and use the latest technology combined with traditional skills to help students achieve their aim .
11 It is excellent news for the area , building on the success of the business and creating natural resource-based jobs in areas which are all affected by the current decline in oil industry fabrication work , ’ said Dr Cantley .
12 In other words , the most difficult tasks found within any given layer are all characterized by the same type or category of complexity , just as water remains in the same liquid state from 0 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius , even though it ranges from very cold to very hot .
13 This bounding of the heart , this clarity of vision , this energizing , this moral certainty , this exaltation , this civic virtue , this murmured I love you , are all caused by a low-level smell emitted by one partner and subconsciously nosed by the other .
14 They were indeed all united by a common sense of manual labour and exploitation , and increasingly by the common fate of wage-earning .
15 The various departments ’ relations with Parliament , with outside bodies and professions are all governed by the same consideration that the minister is in charge and that he can be attacked ( in or out of Parliament ) for anything that happens or fails to happen in his department .
16 ( The books are all identified by a blue sticker . )
17 The letter detector for any letter ( let us say R ) is used to identify that letter regardless of its precise visual form : for example , uppercase , lowercase and handwritten forms of the letter R are all identified by the same letter detector .
18 These are withdrawn from a UK bank by the non-bank private sector ( NBPS ) : NBPS bank deposits , the UK money supply and bankers ' balances all fall by an equal amount .
19 Railways , airlines , banks , and insurance companies are all controlled by the central regime .
20 ‘ Oh , bother ! ’ said Mrs Hollidaye , calmly putting another teacup on the tray , not at all upset by the persistent clamour .
21 Normally , though , sociologists have argued that these three strata have enough in common to make them components of one class , because they are all divided by a considerable gulf from the non-manual middle class , which contains its own strata .
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