Example sentences of "all [verb] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When speeches are made after seated dinners at lengthy , formal wedding receptions , they begin after all eating at the formal meal has finished , and are preceded by the announcement from the toastmaster , ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen , you may now smoke . ’
2 It all came at the right time , she said , at exactly the right time .
3 They sat together , in the small-sized chairs brought up by Balor , and ate their breakfasts and told one another was n't this the finest meal ever and would they all look at the roasting oxen , because it was a long time , well it was years , really , since any of them had seen such a sight .
4 Indeed all look at the recent decision by the and Allied Trade Union to the members who have amalgamated themselves Transport and General Workers .
5 The arrangement was that they would all meet at the Federal Express Office in Salt Lake City Airport and send the papers off together to Nature .
6 When they all arrive at the small town , police patrols swirl around .
7 Benjamin paused and we all stared at the young woman now sitting back in her chair looking up at the rafters , tapping the table top and humming a tune to herself .
8 They all looked at the dark square and saw that it was hardly a manhole , more of a childhole .
9 They all looked at the spreading crystal world .
10 ‘ We all marvel at the Red Kite , ’ says Gareth , ‘ But we do n't marvel at the little beetles which are the reason it 's there . ’
11 Lancaster , Preston , where the Old Pretender 's advance had foundered , and which his son reached on 26 November , and Wigan all fell at the mere approach of the all-conquering young prince .
12 The hunters received on average about US$5 for each dolphin , and the dolphins were all processed at the nearby factory .
13 But in 1953 the authorities solemnly sought to destroy copies of " The Kinsey Report " , and in 1956 a number of respectable publishers — Secker and Warburg , Heinemann and Hutchinsons — were all tried at the Old Bailey for " horrible tendencies " discovered in their current fiction lists .
14 This format makes it easy to fit the words to the ( edited ) pictures and to cue them to the start of each section so that they all come at the right place when they are being recorded onto the video sound track .
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