Example sentences of "all [verb] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They hoped that the molecules would react with the surface to form a film , with the long chains all sticking out like a field of corn .
2 ‘ This kind of weight reduction ca n't be met by plastic 's rivals — and it all adds up to a reduction in waste at the beginning of the cycle , which is where the environmental action should start ! ’
3 It all adds up to a lot of loyalty , from staff and customers .
4 Together with some unique little touches — a new menu of European and Japanese dishes , newly designed china , and real glassware — it all adds up to a world of difference .
5 It all adds up to a time consuming and often costly exercise .
6 It all adds up to a summer of hard work for staff at the wildlife hospital near Aylesbury .
7 It all adds up to a summer of hard work for staff at the wildlife hospital near Aylesbury .
8 It all added up to a hotel bedroom .
9 It all added up to a premonition of tragedy for Charles .
10 Wait till I 've cut it and we 're all sat down with a piece , and I 'll tell you a story .
11 There were several injuries and all healed up after a while .
12 Maria Teresa : When her mother died , Black Irene gave out such a blood-curdling scream in the middle of the night that we all woke up with a jump .
13 ‘ And to keep that feeling together I will try and make arrangements that we can all team up for a leisure day . ’
14 They were all made up as a batch were n't they ?
15 Friday evening was spent mastering rhythm-changes on the piano and weaving cheerfully around the furniture in an Edinburgh tenement , and on Saturday and Sunday we all camped out in a School Dance Studio for movement sessions .
16 Her face is all twisted up like a snarl .
17 Unbelievably , it all dried out without a bubble , and was duly admired by our visitors the following day .
18 An apple tree grew flat against the wall on one side , and in spring , when it blossomed , it was like a huge , lacy fan all spread out in a froth of flowers and leaves .
19 all going out for a Chinese because it 's this girl 's birthday tomorrow , so there 's er eight of them all going out .
20 we 're all going out for a drink with yourselves I think .
21 ‘ We 're all going out for a meal .
22 He showed both boys how to lift the sorrel 's hoof between their knees , and suddenly there was a line of small boys at his side , all waiting hopefully for a turn .
23 It may be a cliché , but the compactness , the lack of weight , abundance and responsiveness of power , massively powerful brakes and rigidity of suspension all add up to a car that feels very much like a big kart .
24 These were but some of the thousands of complaints and allegations made in the autumn of 1939 , all adding up to a condemnation of the way billeting had been planned .
25 Well no , a mother , a mother might keep a family together in the sense that they all meet there on a Saturday
26 All fired up for a marathon effort
27 Firstly , individuals do not all occur randomly in a forest and often there is much clumping as we have already discussed .
28 All yelped out in a voice that would wake the dead or summon up the devil from the deepest ring of hell .
29 The Book of Earth , the cornucopia of all the tiny books that go to make up The Book of Languages and even more disconcertingly , The Book of Mirrors , are all locked up in a glass case .
30 Other members of their families were upstairs dancing , and afterwards they all walked home in a group .
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