Example sentences of "can only be [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A national ambition that can only be realised at the European level . ’
2 But this can only be done at the international airport and with the original exchange receipts .
3 But this can only be done at the price of a restriction of body size .
4 It has now prepared a short-list of five projects for the next round of decisions to be made in a year or two , although the agency warns that these more ambitious and expensive projects can only be funded at the rate of one every 2½ years .
5 Although it may be beneficial to address this point at this stage rather than leave it to the flotation , the alternative argument is that such matters can only be decided at the time of flotation when the parties are better able to assess what is commercially necessary to achieve an optimum result .
6 Furthermore , Hoyle suggests that there is indeed a tension between the two approaches — that restricted professionality is unlikely in practice to be capable of extension or , put another way , that extended professionality can only be achieved at the cost of effective , restricted professionality at the classroom level .
7 When such adjustments are made , the Phillips curve apparently gives the policy-maker a choice between employment and stable prices ; more of one can only be gained at the expense of the other .
8 The results above suggest that relaxation of standards can only be effected at the embalmers peril and to the detriment of his health .
9 If I was not similarly open , it is merely because my embarrassments can only be laid at the door of my own folly , and not to the workings of chance . ’
10 It should not be felt that selling overseas is such a specialist and complex area that the uninitiated must for ever be excluded , or that membership can only be purchased at the expense of having very costly specialist services .
11 But if they can only be anticipated at the end of one of the odd periods , they will have an effect on real output because prices are fixed .
12 Due to its sheer weight it can only be used at the Centre by special permission of the Department of Transport .
13 ‘ No , sire , a vote on the constitution , which can only be taken at the annual general meeting . ’
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