Example sentences of "can not [be] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The general technique for converting an equation valid for SR into one valid in all frames , namely replacing normal derivatives by covariant derivatives , can not be applied to gravitation .
2 Mr Fuchs has made it clear that he can not be called to task for the museum 's deficit and has blamed two principal factors .
3 They can not be sent to prison — at least not yet .
4 High priority can not be given to presubmission enquiries ; in urgent cases they can be made in the form of a one-page fax .
5 Its nuclear establishments and their facilities such as the reactors and hot cells can not be decommissioned to greenfield status in the short term .
6 If Italian politicians can not be moved to action by protests from within their own country , it is up to us outside Italy to turn on the pressure in the world media .
7 Many have , and will , continue to argue that the private sector model can not be transferred to health care .
8 ‘ There are certain eternal values which can not be put to referendum , ’ he announced .
9 I have been there three times , but each time they say I must go back to the Home Office and try to get my daughter a visa for longer than a six months ' stay in Britain ; otherwise she can not be admitted to school .
10 The conclusion to the argument will be that there is a specific form of violence of a political kind outside of state control which can not be reduced to crime .
11 Power is not unitary , it does not reside in the stats , it can not be reduced to class relations ; it is not something to hold or use .
12 This does not mean that these procedures can not be adapted to classroom use .
13 This may be due to its availability as a popular aquarium fish , but it certainly can not be attributed to lack of sex identification .
14 As the Committee emphasised , however , the acoustic problems are of long standing and can not be attributed to television .
15 A Design Change ( DC ) which is in the state CREATED ( state 1 ) can not be submitted to LIFESPAN for assessment without at least one module name being listed on PAGE 3 of the DC form .
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